The Duel to remember

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    ×Watashi no Hīrō= My Hero
        -(This is what Calvin calls you most.)

Y/N's POV:

   "I'll go first! I'll kick things off by summoning 'Secret Six Samurai - Fuma'(Atk: 200; DEF: 1800) In attack mode! And since I control a Six Samurai with a different name, I could special summon 'Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan' (ATK: 1800; DEF: 500) from my hand! Now that I control two Six Samurai's, I could special summon this card, 'Great Shogun Shien' (Atk: 2500; DEF: 2400) but that's not all! Now I'm going to Synchro Summon my Fuma and my Kizan to get out this new monster! 'Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En' (ATK: 2500; DEF: 1400) !" Calvin said as I watched in awe at how good he actually seemed to have gotten over the last few months since we were apart. "Now, just a heads up, if you activate a spell or trap card, Shi En can negate that card and destroy it. Shogun is almost the same, except you could only activate one spell or one trap card each turn so choose wisely and with that, I'll end my turn." Calvin added as I smirked and chuckled softly, finally being able to have an actual challenge.

    Calvin LP: 4000; My LP: 4000

    I looked down at my hand to see I had 'Wall of Disruption', 'Drowning Mirror force', 'Valkyrian Knight' (ATK: 1900; DEF: 1200), and 'Luster Dragon' (ATK: 1900, DEF: 1600), damn, this may be harder than I thought. "Alright, I draw!" I called out as I drew a card, looking at it to see it was 'Pot of Greed', sighing softly knowing this card could help me out if I draw the right card but I also have to be careful because of Calvin's Shi En monster. "I'll set two cards face down and I'll summon out 'Luster Dragon' in attack mode!" I called out as my dragon appeared onto the field but I was more focused on Calv to see if I would be able to activate 'Pot of Greed' without him negating its activation.

    Fuck it.

    "I activate my spell card, 'Pot of Greed', letting me draw two cards." I explained as I watched him closely but I drew my two cards, seeing that he let me do it on purpose since I only get one spell card or trap card each turn, thanks to his Shogun's effect. I looked down at my two cards to see I had drawn out 'Ancient Rules' and 'Blue Eyes White Dragon.' (ATK: 3000; DEF: 2500) Alright, I'll have to wait til next turn to activate this card but that's ok, I could do this.
    "I end my turn!" I called out as I looked over at Calvin to see he had an eyebrow raised, "Aye! Don't cocky asshole! If it weren't for your Shogun's 'One spell or trap card per turn' effect, I would have totally beaten you already." I stated as he started laughing at me, "Awe, so in other words, I'm actually making you question your strategy? Does that make me your rival now?" Calvin smirked as I rolled my eyes but chuckled. "Just cause I'm thinking doesn't mean anything, Calv, and if I'm being honest, I'm only thinking about how you're gonna buy me lunch after I kick your butt." I said as he laughed, "Come on, Watashi no Hīrō, I'll always buy you lunch." He pointed out as I smiled and nodded.

    "I ended my turn by the way." I called out as he nodded and drew his card from his deck but he didn't summon another monster, though he did set a card face down. "Alright! Shogun, slice up her dragon!" Calvin said as I watched his Samurai destroy my Luster Dragon along with taking 600 of my Life Points.

    Calvin's LP: 4000; My LP: 3400

    "Now it's your turn, Shi En! Attack her directly!" Calvin said as his Synchro Samurai charged at me and sliced my body with his sword, taking 2500 of my life points, "And with that I end my turn." He said while sending me a wink.

    Calvin's LP: 4000; My LP: 900

    "Come one Y/N! Make your comeback! You got this!" I heard Yusei shout as the others started cheering me on, blushing slightly at their cheers while Calvin chuckled and smiled at me, "And here I thought I was your one and only cheerleader!" He joked while putting a hand over his heart as if he was hurt while I flipped him off which earned disapproving looks from my dads. I sighed and placed two fingers on my deck, 'Heart of the cards, guide me and help me out.' I silently prayed as I released the breath I was holding, "My move! I draw!" I called out as I drew my card, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders, looking at the card to see I drew out 'Dwarf Star Dragon Planeter' which made my smile return to my face. "Alright, to start things off, I activate my spell card 'Ancient Rules', letting me summon any level 5 or higher Normal Monster from my hand so come on out Blue Eyes!" I called out as Calvin smirked, "Not so fast! I activate Shi En's effect to negate your spell card and destroy it!" Clavin explained as I faked a groan and sent my spell card to the graveyard but secretly I was trying to hold back my smirk since he took the bait. Seeing as his monster could only negate once per turn and technically I never activated my spell card so I could still use a trap or spell.

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