Slowing Down

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Author note:

        ×Pops is Yugi and Dad is Yami, just to let y'all know.
Y/N's POV:

   I finished getting ready with the guys, or 'Group A', helping out Leo with his ties since he didn't really know how to tie a tie. Once I finished with helping him, I tucked his tie into his light blue vests and then smoothed out his white jacket, seeing that he all looked adorable. "Thanks Y/N!" The little boy said as I just smiled down at him, "No problem. I had my fair share of struggling on how to tie a tie, my Pops always had to help me tie a tie since my Dad didn't know how to either." I smiled at the memory of how Pops would always have to help Dad tie his tie or his bow tie before Pops taught me how to tie one so I could help my dad if Pops wasn't around.

    I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, thinking over the earlier events. Shadow Games are coming back but not only that, I questioned Crowler about the small Tournament but he didn't seem to remember, neither did the other teachers or the students that were there. The only ones that seemed to remember were my friends and that was about it. Someone's behind this and whoever it is, knows how to use the Shadows and they know how to control people to do their bidding before wiping their memories.

    This is honestly just going to drive me crazy and I already have friends and a cousin that do that for me.

    "Hey, stop thinking so much! Come on, let's relax for tonight and think of how to solve the problem tomorrow." Yusei said as he walked over to me while fixing his navy blue tux jacket before standing in front of me and fixed my jacket then turned his attention to my tie. I was going back and forth between a bow tie or the tie that came with the outfit but I just chose the tie so that if it gets hot, I could just loosen the tie and I wouldn't lose it.

    It's happened, I've lost many bow ties throughout my years. I'm so sorry Bowie the first... Second, third, fourth, and so on and so fourth. I miss you all dearly.

    "There, looking as amazing as ever. Now let's go before the girls and guys beat us there!" Yusei called out as the guys came over to join us by the door before we left and headed towards the gym, walking in to hear loud music and some flashing lights which made me wonder if this was just a regular kind of dance or Prom because that's how it feels at this point.

    "Huh, guess the girls aren't here yet, Jaden said they're barely leaving the room right now so they should be here in at least five or ten minutes." Yusei said as I nodded and we walked over to the tables and sat down as we waited for the others to come. "I'm starving! Can we go eat after this? Please?!" Leo cried as we all agreed with him, "Yeah I am too, how about we leave after the dance and head into town to grab some food?" Aster asked as we all agreed with him, "Oh hey, before I forget. Family day is this upcoming week." Chazz said as we all nodded, a smile coming to my face at the new information.

   I'm actually kinda excited to see my family again, it's been a few months and maybe I could talk to my Dads and uncles about the Games.

    I got up and stretched, "Alright, I don't know about you guys but I'm going to go hit that snack table over there and stuff my face with food until the others come." I announced, seeing Leo and Crow quickly get to their feet and run to the table while trying not to hit people since the gym was kinda crowded. I chuckled and saw Aster, Chazz, Jack, and Yusei stand up before we all walked over to the snack table to see Leo and Crow were already stuffing their faces with junk food, "Geez guys, it's only been like two minutes and you're already eating like there's no tomorrow. Slow it down or else y'all are gonna choke." I warned as the two boys turned towards me and handed me a chocolate covered Rice Krispy which I laughed but accepted the snack before taking a bite. I turned towards the crowd and looked around, seeing couples were dancing and enjoying themselves while others were practically having sex in the middle of everyone.

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