Opposite Sides

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Akiza's POV:

    I was packing my duffle bag with some clothes for the trip to Domino City, seeing as we're all going to see if we could find Y/N and see what happened to her. 'My Y/N…' I thought as I looked from the duffle bag that held my clothes then towards the night stand by my bed, seeing Y/N's Duel Disk sitting there as well as her deck still being in the deck slot.

    Yugi had suggested that I keep it with me since he felt like he may forget it or something bad may happen to it during whatever crisis may be waiting for us in the city.

    I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my room door soon followed by Yugi's soft yet deep voice, "Akiza? It's me, Yugi, can we talk for a minute?" He sounded normal but there was a slight crack in his voice that revealed to me that he was worried. "Of course, Yugi, come in." I replied as I zipped up my duffle bag and put it on the floor as the door opened to reveal Yugi.

    He was wearing dark blue jeans, a white button up with the top two buttons unbuttoned, his signature black choker, black boots, and a black opened vest on top of his button up. He seemed to have grown during the years from back when he was high school and after he graduated. Y/N showed me pictures of him when he was younger along with some pictures of her Aunts and Uncles so that I could know them before I met them. Plus, it was Yugi Muto, who didn't know him? Now, he seemed to be around Seto's shoulder while Yami was probably a little past Seto's shoulder.

    Weird how I just measured them by comparing the two to Seto Kaiba.

    Yugi sent me a small but warm smile as he walked over to me while I sat on my bed, seeing as he grabbed Y/N's Duel Disk before taking the empty space next to me as he looked down at his daughter's belonging with a sad look.

     "I knew something was wrong the moment Jack called Jaden. I felt it in my heart and I felt like I had lost a part of me… Y/N was never one to leave her Duel Disk behind, let alone her deck. These things mean the absolute world to her because my Grandpa had given her this deck while Seto gave her this Duel Disk. It was her first step to finally becoming a Duelist like us… Like me. Though, I've always worried and feared that something was going to happen and I may not be able to protect her, the thought alone always terrified the hell out of me." Yugi admitted as he ran his hand over the Duel Disk while I listened and waited for him to continue.

    "I feel like if she ever became a Duelist, I felt like all the problems that I had to go through would eventually come back and target her instead of me and Atem. I felt like her being a Duelist and being my daughter put a target on her back so that if the villains wanted revenge, they would go for her to hurt us." He sighed and wiped away a tear that escaped his pink-purple eyes before he continued, "I just feel like I've failed as a father to her. I should have stayed with her and not Jack, I should have been glued to her side. I- I s-should have-" he eventually started crying softly as he held Y/N's Duel Disk to his chest. Seeing the great King of Games and the great Yugi Muto crying over his missing daughter absolutely broke my heart.

    I wrapped my arms around him as he continued to cry on my shoulder this time but he never let go of Y/N's Duel Disk and eventually, I started crying silently with him. Y/N was his whole world and she was starting to become mine too.

    As time passed, we had both stopped crying and were wiping away the evidence of our tears. I sniffed and wiped my eyes as Yugi did the same, hearing him clear his throat as I looked at him, seeing that his eyes looked pink and puff from all the crying. "Here. I think you should probably put some of Y/N's cards in your deck. Whatever is happening to her, I think you could be able to snap her out of it if she sees you using her cards. I've done it before with Joey when Marik was a crazy guy and he was mind controlling Joey to force him to duel against me back in the Battle City tournament. I used his 'Red Eyes Black Dragon' and I managed to get through to him." He then paused before he continued, "I mean, sure we almost drowned and all but he managed to snap out of it." Yugi explained as he handed me the Duel Disk while I gave him a slightly concerned look.

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