Late Christmas Shopping at It's Finest

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Y/N's POV:

    The smell of bacon and pancakes filled my dreams, opening my eyes to see that some sunlight was seeping through the cracks of my curtain and were hitting the wooden floor in my room.

    It took a few seconds to realize where I was at until I saw the 'Black Luster Soldier vs Buster Blader' poster on my wall, remembering that I was back in my room in Domino City. I sighed and felt something cuddle closer to me, looking down to see Akiza was still fast asleep against me, her arms wrapped around me while soft snores fell from her lips and her breath hit my neck. I smiled down at her peaceful face, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before I carefully slipped out of her embrace, replacing myself with a pillow as I quietly walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen, following the delicious smell of food that made my stomach groan and growl loudly. When I entered the kitchen, I saw my dads were both awake and fixing up the kitchen. Pops was cooking while Dad was setting the table, watching as Dad walked over to see if Pops needed help with something before he continued his duty of setting the table.

    I smiled at the scene, hearing their voices fill the semi-quiet kitchen, the only other sound being the crackling of the bacon on the stove or the occasional flips of pancakes on the pan.

    They looked so peaceful and in love that it made my heart swell at their happiness. Gods, I absolutely loved my dads more than anything in the whole world.

    I guess Pops finally caught me because his eyes lit up and he gave me his signature warm and loving smile that he's always given me for as long as I could remember. I guess it's a dad thing because Dad also does it, too. They both have a type of smile they give me but both smiles always gave me a feeling of warmth and love. "Good morning, My Love, how did you sleep?" Pops asked which caused Dad to turn around to face me, a warm and loving smile coming to his face as well once he saw me standing by the entrance of the kitchen, "Morning Pops. Morning Dad." I smiled, walking over to the two men and kissing their cheeks before I began helping them with the food. "And I slept pretty good. Didn't have to worry about waking up early to get stuff done. Helping Eli rebuild back at Duel Academy seriously changed my sleeping schedule big time." I stated as the two men chuckled at my words but nodded in understanding.

    The three of us struck up a conversation, asking one another what we wanted for Christmas and what kind of food we would want for Christmas dinner so that my uncles and aunts could have an idea on what to bring and what to make. Obviously, I wanted ham for Christmas dinner, even if it wasn't Thanksgiving. I skipped Thanksgiving break so I'm planning on making it up by having ham for Christmas dinner. It seems fair to me that is.

    Soon, my friends started to wake up, Leo and Luna being the first ones to wake up, followed by Jack and Carly, then Crow and Lyra, then Yusei, and lastly, Akiza. They all greeted my dads before taking a seat in front of a plate that had some food on it, "What do you kids want to drink?" Dad asked, a kind smile on his face as everyone replied with either Orange Juice or Milk, in which my Dad pulled out the cartons and I helped him serve the ones who wanted juice while he served the ones who wanted milk.

    My dads and I eventually sat down and we all struck up in a conversation as we ate, my dads asking what my friends wanted for Christmas as well as if there is anything specific they want for Christmas dinner. Though, after some pushing from my parents, Yusei, Jack, Crow, Leo, Luna, and Akiza finally broke and caved in about what they might be interested in for Christmas which I understood why they refused to say at first.

    Yusei, Crow, and Jack grew up in the streets and in an orphanage and when they were five and six, they ended up meeting the twins. They took care of each other and when Jack first turned sixteen, he along with Yusei and Crow managed to get jobs and save up to get an apartment for all five of them.

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