Moving On

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Flashback/Dream YN POV

     Running and that phone call, that's all I remembered when I reached the hospital. I had ran from my house all the way here, which was about four or five miles max and I would have normally ran that in at least an hour or two if I actually tried but once my Pops and Dad got the phone call, I ran all the way here like my life depended on it because in a way... It felt like it did.

     As I ran inside and to the front desk, it felt like I was running in slow motion, everything flew by me in slow motion but yet, everything looked like it moved so fast because of how it looked so blurred out to me.

     I felt like the receptionist thought I was some kid on something since I was sweating and panting like crazy while my face was most likely bright red. "Solomon Muto! What room is he in?!" I practically shouted at her, "Are you family-" "Of course I'm his family! Why else would I be here?! I'm his great granddaughter!" I cried, feeling my eyes stinging with unshed tears that threatened to fall but I'll be damned if I cried in front of strangers.

     "He's on the 4th floor, room 420. Do you-" "Thank you!" I yelled before I took off running through the hallways until I reached the elevator, frantically clicking the button about 20 times and waiting seemed like an eternity to me. "Forget this." I growled and ran to where the stairs were at, running up what seemed like 70 flights of stairs until I reached the 4th floor, bursting through the door and into the bright white hallways, running down the halls until I reached his room which is kinda funny since he was in room '420' and I would have laughed if the situation wasn't so good awful.

     I opened the door and walked inside, feeling all the energy I had seconds ago instantly drain out of me once I saw my Great Gramps hooked up to machines while he had a mask over his mouth, hearing the constant beeping noise that allowed the doctors, nurses, or family members know that he was still breathing.

     That's when I let all my tears fall, "G-G-Great G-Gramps?" I stuttered, taking small steps inside of the room until I reached his side, looking at his tired face. He had bags under his eyes that made it seem like he hadn't slept in almost years. I pulled up a seat next to him and looked at him, hearing the beeping noise from the heart monitor along with his rough breathing through the mask.

     Soon his eyes opened, revealing his dark purple eyes as they landed on me and a smile came over his face, "Hello Little one, where are your fathers at?" He asked as I shrugged, feeling my tears still sliding down my face. "W-When they c-called, Pops told m-me and I just left, I r-ran all the way here from home." I explained as he clicked a button on his bed which allowed him to sit up, "Knowing your fathers, they should be here any second along with Jaden and the others." Great Gramps said and just when he finished saying that, the door burst open to reveal a teary eyed Jaden along with my panting fathers, Mokie, Uncle Seto, and Uncle Joey.

     "Y/N Sennen-Muto! You are in so much trouble young lady! You could have gotten hurt or worse!" Dad said as I looked down at my feet, "Now Atem, she was just worried about me. I remember when you would have done the exact same thing for me or any of the others, including Seto." Great Gramps scowled as I wiped my eyes, wiping away the tears that stained my cheeks. I heard my dad stay quiet while Uncle Seto scoffed but was quiet also, "...Would you?" Uncle Seto asked as I giggled slightly, "Of course, you hot head, you're my cousin after all." Dad said as I heard footsteps coming towards me, looking up to see it was Pops.

     He gave me a small smile and kneeled in front of me, wiping away some of my tears and kissing my forehead, "My poor baby... Here, you must be thirsty from all that running." Pops said as he gave me a water bottle he had in a backpack he brought with him. I smiled and opened it, chugging it down until it was all gone. "Thank you Papa." I smiled at him as he giggled, his Purple-Pink eyes showing both a small amount of happiness and a large amount of sadness. I looked behind him, remembering that Jaden was here, seeing my cousin with puffy pink eyes while he tightly hugged the stuffed Winged Kuriboh toy that Great Gramps got him when he was adopted to the family four years ago when he was four and I was five.

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