Hated People always Come Back

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Akiza's POV:

    After everyone packed, we all headed to the docks where Seto and Joey were at, standing next to a giant ship while Roland stood behind the couple. "There should be enough rooms for everyone to have their own. Pick a room and leave your stuff in there then meet up in the meeting room. Roland will be standing in front of it if you get lost, so just look for him." Seto said as we all nodded and climbed up the ramp to the ship. We all went out separate ways and started to pick our rooms, I walked to a room then opened the door and looked around to see it looked like a plain regular room.

    White walls, a TV, some arm chairs, a bed, and a night stand by the bed.

    I sighed and tossed my bags onto the bed before grabbing my Duel Disk from one of my bags and slid it onto my left arm. Back in my room at the Academy, Yugi and I were the only ones who were packed early so he helped me make a deck with both mine and Y/N's cards which surprisingly seemed to go really well together.

    As I made a move to walk out of the room I claimed, I stopped, seeing as I was met by two dragons. One being a purple with black eyes while the other was golden with green eyes. I instantly knew them as Y/N's Ace monsters as well as them being her Spirit monsters. Wait, how are they here without Y/N?

    'Ah, so you're the one who holds us, Ms.Akiza.' I heard one of the dragons say, snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked at them then to my deck, remembering that Yugi put their cards into this new deck. "Oh, uhh, yes. Yugi, Y/N's father, thought it would be a good idea to have you two in my deck for the time being until we figure out what is happening." I answered as they nodded, feeling slightly relaxed now that I had a little part of Y/N with me. 'We see. We were only worried about ending up in the wrong hands but it seems we ended up in the right hands.' One of the two said they looked at me while I smiled at the two.

    They eventually disappeared and I decided it was time to meet up with everyone in the meeting room, walking out of my room and down the hallway until I eventually came to the room with Roland standing in front of it. He gave me a warm smile and a slight bow before he opened the door for me to enter the room, thanking him as I walked in to see almost everyone was here except for Yusei, Jaden, Leo, and Luna.

    I was about to sit down next to Calvin and Lyra when we all heard yelling and shouting coming from the deck of the boat. We all raced outside and over there to see Yusei fighting off a man while Jaden held the twins behind him as he watched Yusei and the man fight against each other. "Let me go! I have a right to talk to her and Mr.Kaiba!" The man shouted, making me flinch as my blood ran cold when I instantly recognized the voice. A voice of a snake.

    Sayer, the ex-leader of the Arcadia Movement, someone I once thought was a friend but he betrayed me for his own benefit.

    "Over my dead body! I warned you that I will put you six feet under if I ever saw your face again and I'm keeping my word!" Yusei shouted as he pushed Sayer away from him and punched the older man in the face, sending him to the floor but he quickly got to his knees while Yusei walked over to him. "Enough! What is the meaning of this?!" Seto shouted as Roland ran over and grabbed Sayer while Jack and Crow grabbed Yusei but the two other boys were glaring at the maroon haired man though, they didn't say anything. I knew that they wanted to hurt Sayer, too, it was all over their faces. I walked over and stood between them, seeing worry instantly cross Jack's, Crow's, and Yusei's faces as they saw me stopping them from getting to Sayer.

    "Akiza, my rose! I'm so happy to see-" I turned around quickly and punched Sayer in the face, seeing him fall from Roland's grasp and onto the floor before he looked up at me while blood trickled down from his nose and mouth. "Don't you ever call me that, Sayer. Why the hell are you here?" I growled as he looked up at me shocked but I didn't care. As I stared at Sayer, I could have sworn that I heard Bakura say, "I like her, no wonder Y/N likes her." Before Ryou shut him up.

    Maybe I was just hearing things?

    I shook away the thought as I focused back on the situation. I swore that I never wanted to see him again but here he is, looking for me for some unknown reason. "Sayer? Why does that name sound familiar to me?" I heard Malik say as I stiffened slightly, "Wait! I remember now! You were that leader for some wannabe revolution group, right? What was it? The Are-Candy something?" Marik said as I sighed.

    "It was known as the Arcadia Movement and it was supposed to help people with special and unique abilities. Psychic Abilities." I answered as I crossed my arms over my chest, not taking my eyes away from the bleeding Sayer. "I would know, I was once part of that movement a long time ago until I realized that Sayer was just a power hungry bastard and exposed him. That was before he tried to kill me for betraying him even after he betrayed me. It was because of him that I left Domino City and came to the Academy with Yusei and the others when I was fourteen." I explained as I continued to glare at Sayer, seeing him spit out some blood and return the glare. "Well, Mr.Sayer, if you have something important to tell us, I suggest you start talking before I throw you off of my ship or put you under arrest." Seto threatened as the man turned his glare to the young CEO.

    "I don't think you would throw me overboard or have me arrested." Sayer said calmly as he grunted and got to his feet, "Oh? And why is that? Not only did you trespass on my property but you also attacked a minor and Akiza announced that you tried to kill her. Now give me a reason to not throw you overboard for the police to find." Seto threatened as he stood on my left while Joey stood on my right. Seeing Tristan step forward since he was the Chief of Domino City's Police department.

    Sayer chuckled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, a smirk on his face which only made me want to punch him again. "Because if you do that, you will never know what happened to your precious Y/N Sennen-Muto." I gasped at his words which seemed to make his smirk grow wider, almost as if he hit some kind of jackpot. This sick bastard.

    Before anyone could even blink, Sayer was tackled down by a very pissed off Calvin. "Where the hell is she?!" Calvin shouted in Sayer's face but he didn't seem phased by it. Instead, he looked at me to Yusei, Crow, and Jack and then to Leo and Luna, "I think it's time for you to show your marks, Signers." Sayer stated as I stiffened in my spot, glancing at my friends to see they had also stiffened or were frozen in their spots.

        No… How did he know?

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