Who are they?

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Y/N's POV:

    I had jolted up from a dream I was having but once I woke up, I couldn't remember what it was about so instead of trying to go back to sleep, I decided to get ready. Goodwin had given me a pair of Dark Signer clothes that were different from the others which is probably because of our Earthbound Immortals. Our clothes also matched our Dark Signer marks.

    I stripped from my old and ripped up dirty clothes, staying in my boxers and sports bra, noticing that there was a bathroom in the warehouse, going over to take a quick shower since I haven't been able to for Ra knows how long.

    As I turned on the water, the bathroom door opened to reveal a half asleep Misty, seeing her eyes widen as a dark blush came over her face once she realized that she saw me almost naked. "I-I-I am s-so sorry, My King! I didn't hear the water! Please forgive-" "Misty, relax, I'm not completely naked so you don't need to worry. Now, is there something you needed?" I asked as she avoided my gaze and kept her eyes glued to the floor. She cleared her throat and shook her head, messing with her fingers as I raised an eyebrow at her before I turned off the shower and grabbed my clothes along with my towel, "Go on, I will wait until you are done. Take as long as you need." I said as I patted her shoulder and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me as I exited.

    After a few minutes, the bathroom door unlocked and Misty walked out, seeing she looked wide awake now as I gave her a small smile. "Thank you, My King." She mumbled as I smiled at her, "Please, Misty, you don't always have to call me by my title, I have a name too." I chuckled softly as I walked past her and into the bathroom to take my quick shower.

    Once I finished, I got dressed in my Dark Signer clothes before I walked out, seeing that Carly was now awake while the boys were still asleep. The two girls were talking amongst each other but looked up once I entered, sending them a small smile as I gave them a nod which they returned before they made their way over to me. I noticed that Carly had something in her hand as she made her way over to me while I dried off my hair with my towel. "Good morning ladies." I sent a small smile to them while I tossed my wet towel onto a nearby chair before giving the two girls my full attention.

     "Good morning, My King, we have something to give you." Carly said as she handed me a Duel Disk, similar to the one my Pops and Dad used back in Battle City except this one was red, black, and a dark turquoise color as well as it having a deck in the Deck Slot.

   I raised an eyebrow at the two before I took the item into my hands and slid the Duel Disk on while grabbing the deck and sliding it out to look it over. I noticed that there were Tuner monsters as well as there being some spells for Synchro monsters.

    As I skimmed through the deck, I noticed how strong it truly was, being able to get any kind of Synchro monster onto the field in a matter of seconds if you drew the right four cards in the beginning of the duel. Looking over my extra deck to see that there were extremely strong Synchro monsters but I soon noticed that my Earthbound Immortal, Ares or now known as 'Earthbound Immortal Warg-Wulfric', was a Synchro monster and not a regular effect monster like the other Earthbounds.

    I shrugged off the thought and put my deck back into the Deck Slot while I slid the Extra deck back into the Extra Deck slot. "Thank you, you two, this deck should help me a lot in the upcoming duels against the Signers. Now." Turning to look at Misty which seemed to get her attention. "Misty, would you like to accompany me to retrieve the boat?" I asked the blue eyed woman, seeing a light dust of pink appear on her pale skin as she stared at me slightly surprised at my question.

    We were quiet for a few seconds as we both stared into each other's eyes until we turned away once we heard Carly clearing her throat. "My King, what about me?" She asked as I raised an eyebrow at her but what I didn't see was the playful gleam in Carly's eyes as she looked at Misty, who was blushing darkly.

    "Well, you could come as well, Carly. I only asked Misty to accompany me because she knows where this hidden dock is at so we could hide our boat for the time being." I simply stated before I went over to slid on my boots and began walking to the entrance of the warehouse. "No, I'm ok, My King. I much rather sleep a little longer since it seems the sun hasn't even came up yet." Carly said as I nodded, opening the door only to be met with a rush of cold air that instant nipped at my bare arms which caused me to shiver slightly. I turned to look back at the other two girls to see they were a few feet away from me, "Very well, Carly, rest up until we return. We'll be heading out now. Shall we, Misty?" I said as I held my hand out towards her as she looked surprised at my sudden action but eventually grabbed onto my outstretched hand.

    I was about to step out but turned back to see Carly staring at us with a small smirk on her lips that instantly disappeared once she noticed I was looking at her with a smirk of my one once I caught her, "And Carly, you don't always have to call me by my title. I have a name too, you know." Was all I said as I walked out with Misty and we began walking to the spot we left the boat we came to the city on.

    As Misty and I walked through the shadows of the early day, we made sure not to be spotted by anyone who had woken up early to go to their jobs. We eventually reached the spot where we had our boat at the empty looking beach, climbing in first to steady it before reaching my hand out to Misty for her to grab on so she wouldn't fall over once she started climbing in. We sat down across from each other, taking the spot next to the engine and motor so that I could steer in the direction that Misty told me to go.

    After a few minutes, we eventually came to the hidden dock which wasn't that far from our current hideout, just like Misty said. It was probably a five or seven minute walk from the warehouse here, two or three minutes if you run.

    I tied the boat to the dock before Misty and I climbed out of the boat and back onto solid ground. The sun was finally starting to come up which meant we had to be careful we didn't get spotted and earn unwanted attention, especially me since if word goes out about me being here without my family, people might come and try to look for me which is not what we need.

    Tsk, the trouble of being related to famous people.

    Once Misty and I entered the warehouse, we saw that everyone was now wide awake and surprisingly making breakfast on some electric stove that I guess Kalin found in the abandoned building next door. "Ah! I see you two have finally returned. Good morning, my King." Goodwin said as I simply sent him a nod while Misty walked over to get breakfast for herself as I walked over to where the map of Domino City lay spread out. "Alright, listen up everyone. Since our group of Dark Signers is now complete, we must now come up with a plan to drag out these Signers so that we could take them down but the problem with that is that I don't know who these Signers are. Do any of you?" I asked as I noticed Goodwin, Kalin, Devack, and Misty flinch slightly which made Greiger, Carly, and I look at them suspiciously. I leaned onto the table to look at the four as low growl erupted from my throat and past my lips while I eyed them, only growling one thing as I kept a close eye on them:

    "Who are the Signers?"

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