Chapter 11

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A whole week passed and this week me and August barely saw each other since he was out of town for the week on so called business. I was busy myself between work and practice and planning a party for the kids on there last day of class next week. Plus I had some money to blow and I was in need of a car. Even though we talked and texted each other every day I still physically missed being around him. 

This Sunday he invited me over to dinner at his mothers house and I was a little nervous about seeing her again. Last time I met his mother me and him were just friends but now we were dating. 

He was supposed to get back in town this afternoon but I haven't heard a word from him. The battle was already underway and I wanted to text or call him to see where he was but soon my worries were put to rest when I spotted him and D walk in. Not seeing him for a whole week made me realize how much I missed him and I couldn't wait till we were alone. 

"Will you focus," Danielle said snapping fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry," I apologized. 

I was slacking off as of late when it came to dancing. I used to spend all of my spare time dancing and coming up with routines and now that I had a August I spent majority of my free time with him. 

The girl group before us was great, even I could admit that and the crowd there routine judging by how loud they were cheering. The girls all looked at each other with worried expressions on there faces but I wasn't worried at all. To be honest it was about time these girls stepped there game up and gave us some real competition. 

We took the stage and once our song started we danced. This wasn't one of my best dances but I still wasn't worried.  We needed to hit every move, everything needed to be perfect.  Problem was everything was to perfect so and to ensure us the one I threw in an extra move, a split. Usually I tried to save a move like that so I could wow the crowed when I needed and this was one of those times. We needed to win and we couldn't break our winning streak.  

Once our dance was done and all the other crews went we waited for the results and this was probably the first time this year that I knew it would be a close call, but we won.

"Next week we have to come harder, Alisha and her crew are getting good," Danielle basically scolded us and the girls all looked at me.

"What," I shrugged.

"You need to get your head out of the clouds," Crystal looked at me. 

"Okay, next week is my last week of dance lessons so I'll have more free time."

"More time for practice or more time to spend with August," Crystal asked me.

I just rolled my eyes because August had nothing to do with this.

"Fine, but just get your head in the game," Danielle walked off and I knew I couldn't let the girls down. They wanted to win just as badly as I did. I continued walking and that's when I spotted August and smiled at him. The girls kept on walking saying hi to him in passing once we were alone I motioned him towards me. 

He knew what I wanted and I knew he wanted it to. He leaned down until his lips were pressed against mine and once they were I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. 


By the time we pulled apart I went to go get changed, we left and did our usual thing. Once we all went our separate ways me and him ended up in his car parked up the street from my house in parking lot in front of our neighborhood park. I lived in a quiet suburban neighborhood so I had no worries. 

Once we were parked we sat in in silence only thing that could be heard was the radio and the quiet hum of the air conditioning. Once I looked at him he was staring at me.

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