Chapter 34

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Friday morning me and the girls had an early practice and after that I was supposed to be meeting up with Braden. I told August that I was just gonna chill out for the day and that he could pick me up as normal tonight for me and the girls dance battle. I'm not sure what exactly Braden had up his sleeve but I trusted him. He was always dressed to impress and if it was anyone who could give me tips about style and turning heads it was him. 

"This is going to be fun," he clapped his hands, "I always wanted a little sister I could dress up."

"Oh lord, just don't have me looking over the top Brae."

"I would do no such thing," he faked offended, "I'm glad you trusted me and I wont let you down, plus it'll give us a chance to talk."


"I want the scoop, the dirt..."


"August. What's he like, he seems mean, serious."

"August," I asked almost laughing.

"Yes, don't look so shocked."

I shrugged, "He's like any other 19/20 year old."

"That's a lie," he scoffed. 

"Most of the time," I added. 

"And the rest of the time?"

I knew what he was getting at but I never really witness that side of August. Closet glimpse was last weekend at the party. August was such a sweetheart and I really couldn't imagine him hurting anyone. I wasn't stupid I knew August wasn't sunshine and rainbows but I don't think he was to be feared. 

"He's...August," I shrugged.

Braden looked like he wanted to say more, then he just smiled at me and I narrowed  my eyes at him.

"What now?"

"Are you two serious?"

Instead of answering I just smiled and shrugged.

"I guess."

"What do you mean, you guess?"

"I mean he's my first...everything so all this is new to me. New to him."

"But if your both serious it doesn't matter if he's your first or you're his. The feelings, the way you to interact should come naturally."

Things have came almost to naturally with August. How was it that he was the one guy that made me let my guard down was a mystery. Especially when so many guys have failed before. 

"Do you love him," Braden asked and instead of answering I decided it best to keep my mouth shut, but sometimes silence is the answer.

He smiled knowingly, "My little Kashmere is growing up." 

He pinched my cheeks and I swatted him away playfully.

"I remember when I first met you. Innocent little thing with a slick mouth talking about how you didn't care about boys. You just wanted to dance and graduate high school.  Now you all grown up, graduated and now you got yourself a rough neck. It's always the good girls that the bad boys go for. Who would of predicted this?"

"Not me," I admitted, it was still a shock. Even more of a shock that we were still together after all of the drama we've been through in the short time that we've been together. 

Our first store was Neiman Marcus, we browsed the racks and he didn't even ask my opinion on none of the things he picked out. The dresses he picked out weren't short, they were just showing off a lot of cleavage. I didn't mind them being short but I didn't want my chest all out either. 

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