Chapter 7

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I got out of his bed and went to his bathroom all the while trying to remember how did I get here. I went over the day before in my head, at least I think it was the day before. Pool party, back home, and then to the club, at the club I was pissed off about August and that Ebony chick, we made up and back in the V.I.P. I remember drinking with Julianna and things got kind of fuzzy after that. I remember Danielle and Crystal us all dancing in the V.I.P. I left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom and I heard him before I seen him. He was on the phone, his voice still raspy from sleep.

"I'll swing by later on," he said to the person, "Got to go."

I sat on the edge of the bed and when he got of the phone I turned my attention to him.

"What happened last night," I asked.

"You were drunk," he told me, "The girls knew your mom would trip if they brought you home like that so they covered for you, Danielle told your mom you were sleeping the night at her house."

"And you brought me to your place," I nodded, "And my mom went for that?"

"She asked to talk to you, but Danielle told her that you were sleep."

I knew I was going to have to answer some questions when I got home....

I looked around the room for my dress and it was on his dresser and glanced down at the shirt I had on.

I nodded, "Thank you I know you didn't plan on taking care of me last night."

"I was just doing my boyfriend duties."

"Well your girlfriend appreciates it," I smiled.

"Besides you were gone last night," he chuckled and I just prayed I didn't do anything stupid.

"What did I do," I groaned.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember going back to the V.I.P. after we were done talking, you and D walking off, me and Julianna drinking, I remember feeling a little dizzy, then dancing with the girls and drinking a little bit more, and I think I danced with you after that."

"Yeah," he smiled, "After that you gave me a lap dance."

"Your lying," I smiled shaking my head.

"You did," he nodded, "You literally pushed me down onto the couch and climbed on top of me. I was trying to stop you but you weren't having that, and then you started kissing on my neck, licking and all the while still rocking back and forth on my lap and there was so much I could take. Then you whispered in my ear that you wanted to have sex."

I smiled and shook my head not believing this at all.

"Your lying."

"You didn't exactly say you wanted to have sex with me word for word."

"See," I smiled knowing his ass was lying.

"You told me you wanted to fuck me and I'm not even going to say the rest of the shit you were saying last night, but after I turned you down you were pissed off at me. So you sat around moping and dancing alone and after a while you laid down on the couch and passed out."

I just looked at him to see if he was lying and shook my head again.

"Whatever August," I shook my head smiling.

"Don't believe me fine, then call your girls," he told me and he got up out the bed and went to the bathroom.

I just laid back on his bed trying to remember anything else from that night and okay I think I did give him a lap dance but that's all I remember.

I stood up and grabbed my purse from the dresser taking out my cell phone checking the time and any missed calls. I had two from my mom, from last night and I didn't bother calling her back knowing the girls covered for me, I would have to thank them for that. It was after eight in the morning and I knew I needed to get home as soon as possible so I could deal with my mom, but my biggest problems was finding something to wear home that wasn't the dress from last night.

He came in the room and stood in front of me.

"I need to get home," I told him, "And I need to borrow some clothes."

He went to his closet and I sat on his bed and his cell phone rang. From where I was sitting I glanced at it and I didn't like the name that popped up on the screen, Ebony.

"Are you going to get your phone," I asked him.

"They can call back," he said coming out the closet with a pair of shorts and a smaller t-shirt, unlike this long one I had on right now. His phone stopped ringing but it beeped signaling that he had a text message, probably from her.

"This stuff should fit," he handed it to me and I nodded standing up about to change, since he basically saw me in my bra and panties yesterday I didn't see a point in leaving the room to change.

I took of the shirt I was wearing and dressed and he went over to his phone and read the text and shook his head not even bothering to reply.

I made my way to his bathroom, and redid my hair in a messy bun and borrowed some of his toothpaste and tried my best to look presentable.

Soon we were parked outside of my house, since my mom was still at church.

"Thanks for everything," I smiled.

"Your welcome, can your man get a kiss."

I smiled and gave him what he wanted and soon I was waving bye and hurrying the house in a better mood than I've been in I don't know how long.

Not even my mom could bring me down. When she came home that was a different story, she asked me where I was, why I couldn't come to the phone. Then she started accusing me of being drunk or high or something and it took me ten minutes to assure her that I was just really tired.

I knew I should have told her about August, but I didn't know how. She wouldn't approve of me having a boyfriend and thought that I should just focus on my life, and school. I couldn't help but feel bad about not telling her but I knew she was going to overreact when I told her. She would want to meet him, interrogate him and even though I've met August's mom I wasn't sure if I was ready for him to meet mine.

-----------------------------------Pic of Mace

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