Chapter 26

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In the morning I woke up and the time on the clock was after nine and I've only been sleep for four hours.  August wasn't laying next to me and after last night that didn't surprise me, I thought I had stamina but damn.  I slowly removed the covers off of my body but I felt like I got hit by a truck.

Last night was something else to say the least and after more rounds and orgasms then I could count I was knocked out.  He called himself giving me a lesson and I lesson it was.  I have never experienced anything like that in my life. 

This morning my body was feeling the repercussions.  As much as I wanted to lay in bed and daydream about last night I knew I needed to get up. After many feeble attempts my legs finally decided to cooperate and I made it to the bathroom and decided to clean up while I was in there.  Looking in the mirror at myself I noticed the light bruises on my skin and big ass hickey on my neck. Even though I was dark skin the hickey was still noticeable.  There was no way I could hide it. After my quick shower, I walked back into the room my phone alerted me to a text and I made my way to the bed and grabbed my phone out of my clutch from the nightstand.  

It was Crystal asking me to come downstairs and meet them for breakfast and since I was hungry I sent her one in return telling her I would be down soon. I looked through my suit case for a random t-shirt and some shorts and as I was lacing up my sneakers I heard voices come from the living room.  I didn't even have to look to see who was here because I recognized D's loudmouth. 

They were both talking about something I didn't catch and when I walked out they both got quiet and all eyes were on me.  Avoiding August's stare I turned my attention to D who looked like he was about to bust out laughing.

"Look who's walking," D smiled and then his eyes focused on my neck, "That shit look nasty." 

He scrunched up his face and walked over to me and tried to poke it.

"Stop," I swatted his hand away and punched him in his arm.

"Shit," he rubbed his arm.

"That's what you get, asshole."

"I'ma go, see ya'll downstairs," D made his way towards the door, but not before hitting me back before running out the room before I could catch him.  

I shook my head at his stupid self and once he was gone it was just me and August.  I glanced over and looked him over noticing that he was already dressed and staring at me. I didn't know what to say to him after last night, because even mind blowing, back breaking, leg shaking sex wouldn't make me forget the reason we were fighting in the first place. 

"C'mere," he patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch wincing from the pain radiating from all over.  Glancing over at him I could tell he was holding back a smirk.

"It's not funny," I whined but couldn't hold my smile back either, "It hurts."

"I was marking my territory."

"Did you have to do it so rough?"

"I tried to tell  you to calm yo' ass down, but you wanted to be hardhead."

"Whatever," I waved him off.  Last night he made me feel like a little as kid.

"You learned yo' lesson though right?"

I looked at him and by the way he was looking at me I knew he wanted an answer, I simply nodded my head.

"I aint hear you," he cupped his ear and I rolled my eyes. 


"Yes what," he asked and I hit him with a straight face. I wasn't calling him daddy again, I don't even know how he got me to call him that last night.  It was one of the things I swore I would never do.  

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