Chapter 32

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I had only one week before school and although I was excited about that I was sad that summer was coming to an end.  Now all of my free time would be dedicated to school and dancing and that meant less time with August. Plus I still needed to figure out something for his birthday and I had a little idea. Something that I would need some assistant with and I knew just who to call. 

This summer has been a unexpected one to say the least. Who knew that I would actually get a boyfriend, lose my virginity and all that with a August. 

It was Monday and me and the girls decided to do a little bit of shopping for school, and no not for clothes but for class materials. We walked around target picking out almost everything we needed.

"Why the fuck are these calculators so damn expensive," I mumbled under my breath looking at the calculator I had to buy for Finance class.  By the time I got out of here I was going to be broke, and not only that but I spent damn near 200 dollars on textbooks for class I ordered online.

"You should have just took the money from August when he offered," Crystal said walking over.

Crystal's shopping trip was being funded by some older guy she was seeing, that we have never met or seen.  She called him her sugar daddy but I called him a pervert who needed to get a girl his own age.  She may not have had a problem accepting handout's but I did. 

"No I shouldn't have, just because someone offers you money doesn't mean you have to take it," I told her.

"Fuck that, I'll take anybodies money if they handing it out," she shook her head and I shook mine.  I still don't know why we were friends till this day since we were like night and day but she was cool, her mentality was just sideways. 

I was done for the most part so I took a detour to the candy aisle wanting almost everything my eyes landed on. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out and it didn't surprise me when I seen August's name.

"Yes," I answered.

"You done," he asked.

"I am, I don't know about the girls though, I'm in the candy aisle."

"Figures," he mumbled but I heard him loud and clear, "I thought you were on a diet?"

"I tried, but eating healthy is so hard, I'm starving."

He laughed, "You coming by once you drop your stuff off at home?"

"Do you want me to?"


"Alright," I smiled, "Do you want me to bring you anything?"

"All I want is you, hurry up."

 I rolled my eyes and hung up and focused my attention back on Candy.  M&M's check, Cookies and Cream double check, Reese's Pieces, check, Gummy Worms, check.  

I went overboard with the candy but whatever.  Me and the girls went our separate ways and after I got back home dropping off my stuff I grabbed my bag of gummy worms and drove to his place. 

It was after 3 when I got there and when I knocked on the door D opened it.  I said hi and walked past him and looked at the scene before me.  August was sitting on the couch, red eyes, with an array of food or should I say empty boxes of food in front of them.

"Hey," he smiled at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hi," I walked over and he pulled me on his lap and kissed me on my cheek.  I focused on the TV and they were watching some kind of comedy special with Kevin Hart.  I moved off his lap and kicked off my shoes while they laughed at the screen.   I watched and ate my gummy bears but the weed must have made every joke funnier because they were cracking up and loud as hell. 

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