Chapter 15

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The next morning I woke up to my alarm going off at eight o'clock. I hopped out of bed and headed to the shower taking a nice long shower. I got out and put on some lotion and dressed in this new animal print bikini I got from the mall.  I dressed in a white tank, cut off jean shorts and some white low top chucks and put my hair in it's usual bun.  After putting on my jewelry he called me telling me he was on his way so I hurried. 

I left decided to leave mom a note on the fridge telling her where I was but not with, she probably didn't care but I wanted to leave one anyway.  I left the house and D pulled up in his green ford explorer and all the girls were inside.  He was driving them and that was sweet but I think he was just trying to be close to Julianna.  

I leaned into the window of his car and D was joking around about the music he would play and what he wouldn't listen to, no love songs, no r&b at all, unless it had some rapping in it.  August soon pulled up behind his truck and I waved bye to the girls and got in the car with August.  

 "Hi," I smiled at him. 

"Hey," he said and we kissed and soon we were following behind D.  We were soon on the highway and we rode in silence just listening to the radio.  We were meeting the rest of the people who were going with us such as Mike, and whoever else at a restaurant.  

We soon went inside and sitting there amongst Mike and a couple of others was Ebony but I wouldn't let her ruin my mood.  I decided to share a booth with the girls and August sat with Mike, D, and another guy.   Me and August didn't even sit next to each other, I sat with my girls and he sat with his boys. I could see him from where I sat and sometimes I would look up and he would be staring at me with a goofy look on his face and I couldn't help but smile, and the waiter soon came by with our food.

"Do you girls need anything else," the waiter asked after setting our plates down I looked at August and he was rolling his eyes at D and he looked at me and shook his head and I smiled.

Crystal asked for water, Danielle and Julianna shook there heads and the waiter turned to me.

"Nothing for me," I declined. 

"Are you sure," he asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded glancing at August then back at the waiter.

"Well if you need anything just let me know," he said and went off and the girls laughed. 

"I'm jealous this is the second time in less than a week a guy has basically flirted with you," Danielle said to me. 

"Who," I said looking around turning my attention away from August.


"All he did was ask me if I wanted anything else?"

"It's the way he asked, okay, here he comes watch this," Crystal smiled as he approached and he sat her water down.

"Thanks, so what's your name," Crystal asked him and I shook my head.

"Victor," he answered, "What's are your names."

"Well I'm Crystal, this is Julianna, that's Danielle, and that's Kashmere."

"Kashmere," he repeated, "Like the....uh..fabric."

"Something like that," I shrugged sipping my orange juice.

"Yes, but she isn't as soft," Danielle joked and I rolled my eyes at her and she nudged me playfully.

"Well she looks soft to me," he said to me he smiled at me and I faked a smile wishing he would leave me be, he was also blocking my view of August.

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