Chapter 14

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Friday I woke up and almost forgot about dance practice because after going to get the car I cleaned it out and bought some things for it and after that I stayed up late talking to August.   I just threw on some clothes, grabbed my gym bag and hurried out to my car and got there in less about ten minutes.  We practiced and I admit our dance this week wasn't the best and that was because my mind was a little preoccupied the whole week.  I just hop it was enough for us to win...

Later that evening, I got ready dressing in some sweats, nothing fancy and August picked my this week since that would make things easier since every week I left with him anyway. 

Our dance went smooth, the choreography was kind of blasé but I wasn't really to concerned. The last group that went on after us was actually good, better than good, they were great just a little to over sexualized with there outfits and dance moves.  The crowd of course ate it up and after they got there applause I knew that they had us beat so it was no surprise when the results came and they were the female group that won.  This was the first time they won all season and since it was the first time we lost our winning streak was official done. Although it was a shock I had been in a good mood all week and not even this could kill my vibe, but the girls obviously didn't feel the same way I did. 

"We lost, when was the last time we lost," Danielle was irked.

"Some time last year," Crystal answered her, "This is embarrassing."

"They had a tight routine this week," I shrugged and they did, "Will be back on top next week."

Danielle and Crystal both stared at me as if I had lost my mind.

"It wasn't tight, it was just slutty," Julianna spoke up and that was another reason why we lost. 

"This is bullshit," Crystal shook her head and Danielle agreed, they were being overdramatic like this was then end of it all. 

"So we lost this week, who cares," I shrugged as we mad our way back to the dressing room. 

"I do," Danielle spoke up, "And you should to."

"I do, but all this win is going to do is gas up there heads and let it.  Its going to make them feel like they can actually compete with us and everyone up in here knows they cant.  Next week we come hard like we have week after week and we'll blow them out the water as usual," I said because it was obvious it was already getting to them,  they were prancing around and showing off already. 

"You sure about that, because lately you haven't been taking this seriously," Crystal said with much more attitude than needed.

"Positive."  I nodded and left it at that.  

In the dressing room we mainly got changed in silence but Crystal and Danielle talked amongst themselves still bummed, but I tried to stay out of there conversation and so did Julianna. 

They started to talk about the routine this week and how flat it was, and Crystal spoke up about how she should have been in charge of the dance this week because she could have come up with something better.  Those were shots fired because we all knew that I was the one that came up with most of the dance moves and they just put in there input and adjusted things accordingly and I couldn't hold my tongue any more.  

"If you cared about the routine you would have been spoke up about it, I don't know why you guys are tripping because it isn't even that serious."

"Isn't that serious," Danielle repeated as if I had said something foreign. 

"Damn it's like you did a complete 360 since you've been dating August, I love you boo I do but you need to seriously check your priorities," Crystal spoke up and I rolled my eyes at her 360 comment. It was obvious she lacked basic math knowledge. I wasn't surprised that August was brought up and there was no need.

"How about you do what you do every week, which is sit back and learn the moves, I come up with," I shot back at her.

"I'm not trying to go there with you Kashmere all I'm asking you to put in a little more effort into next week and the weeks ahead," Crystal said and now I was pissed.  

Before August I was pretty much a homebody and stayed to myself, in the house and when the battles started back up I dedicated more time then needed thinking of moves, perfecting the dances.  Now that August is in my life they and we lose one time they want to act like this whole situation was my fault. She was just mad that August was with me and all that throwing herself at him didn't work out in her favor.

"Okay can we chill out please," Julianna said trying to defuse the situation. 

"How do you know how much effort I'm putting in, or what I'm doing for that matter?"

"How can we, no one can get in touch with you hardly anymore your showing up late to practice because of him," she went on and I rolled my eyes, she had a nerve...

"Says the girl who postpones practice every other week because cause she's hangover from the night before. You need to worry less about me and what I'm doing and worry more about yourself."

"Can we chill please, were girls were not supposed to be arguing, we lost today, but we have next week and we'll come back twice as hard," Julianna spoke up louder and I sighed trying to calm myself down and I couldn't do it in here.  I grabbed my bag and left the room without waiting for them, I searched the crowd and spotted August chatting to D.  When he saw me he must have seen how angry I looked. 

"You mad you lost," he asked and I shook my head. 

"Not, me and the girls just got into a little, disagreement."

Before he could say anything I spotted the girls and they were walking up to me and I sighed not wanting to continue this argument any further. 

"I'm sorry if you felt like we attacked you," Danielle apologized, "I was just pissed off we lost."

"Sorry," Crystal apologized looking like it was the last thing she wanted to do, Julianna and Danielle probably forced her.

"I'm sorry and I know I've been slacking but after losing today it only made me want to come ten times harder next week, and trust me this is the first and last time were losing again till the final battle."

"Promise," Julianna smiled and I nodded and we all smiled at each other, we could never stay mad at each other. They were literally like my sisters and I loved them to death and nothing could break the bond we had.  

"Aww hugs," D put on his best girly voice and he all pulled us in for a hug and me and the girls just laughed at his antics.  

After that we were all in a better mood, and the mood got even better when August told us about this impromptu trip to the amusement park tomorrow.  Since non us girls have been all summer we were all excited about going and having a day of fun, although I didn't really like rollercoaster's I was just glad to go.  After eating and going our separate ways me August took me back to his place because for the most part I wasn't sore anymore.  Its true what the girls said, once you lost it you wanted to keep on doing it and doing it, and I guess it was true August has officially turned me into his little freak.  

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