Chapter 9

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 Before he could completely stop the car I jumped out of the car and ran towards my house thinking the worst. I was about to bypass a police officer standing in my front yard to go inside the house but he blocked my path.

"Where's my mother," I was out of breath, and my heart was pounding so loud I could literally hear it.

"Are you Kashmere," the cop asked me.

"Yes, where's my mom," I asked him again.

"Your mom said you were missing," the cop explained to me.

"," I was beyond confused, "So my moms okay?"

"Your mom is inside the house perfectly fine except for the fact she thought you were missing so she called us," he told me and I sighed. 

"I was out with friends and I lost track of time."

"Your mom told us you weren't answering your cell phone," he said to me and I rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on. 

"I misplaced it," I told him and he nodded before getting on his walkie talkie and telling whoever that I wasn't missing after all.

 I couldn't believe this, that she actually called the cops and this was even happening right now because it all felt like some kind of bad dream.

"Are you okay," I heard August ask and I turned and he was standing there and he just made the situation more embarrassing.

"I'm fine," I sighed, "I...."  

"Kashmere," I heard mom yell my name and I turned around and seen her come out of the house and she hugged me.  After she let me go I looked around at the two cops outside and watched as two more came out of the house talking about a false alarm and going over to there police cars.

"Mom why did you call the cops?"

"I thought something bad happened to you, you just left without saying goodbye, you weren't answering your phone, I even called Crystal but she didn't even answer my calls and it's after two in the morning," she rambled on. 

I felt bad that she was worried about me problaby thinking the worst and I was off making out with my boyfriend. This all could have been avoided if I would have paid attention to the time or hadn't lost my cell.  

"Where were you and why didn't you answer your phone, I called and called and got no answer?"

"Mom I," I sighed about to come clean about it all. 

"It's my fault," I heard August answer for me and I bit down on my lip hard. 

"I'm sorry mom," I apologized trying to cut him off.

"Who is this," mom asked me staring at August like he had two heads. 

"Mom this is August and he is my....," I paused, "Boy....friend." 

"Boyfriend," she repeated as if the word was unfamiliar to her.

"Nice to meet you," August said trying to be polite, he even held out his hand for her to shake and my mom just looked at it, then at me, and then turned her attention back to him.

"So your the boy who has my daughter out at all hours of the night dressed like this," mom asked him as I looked down at my skirt and crop top. 

"No mom," I sighed, "Can we talk about this I inside please?"

"No we'll talk about this right here, where were you Kashmere," she asked me, "Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I lost it," I told her, "Mom I'm sorry."

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