Chapter 39

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Two weeks later and I was completely settled in, and adapted to the whole college thing. I was doing good in all of my classes even though it was two weeks in and most of my professors were cool. One thing I noticed though was the way people acted towards me. The looks and the unnecessary attention. When I finally asked Tony what was up he informed me that everyone knew who my I was dating, therefore every knew me. One thing I never wanted was to become a hot topic so I kept my head down and minded me business. To bad others didn't know how to do the same. I thought most people would have outgrown gossiping but I guess not.

Speaking of high school, kids that haven't spoke two words to me in the last four years were now sniffing around me. Dropping my name and acting like we were old friends. Coming up to me wanting to get in my business, asking questions, asking to hang out. If it was one thing I couldn't stand it was fake people. Remembering what August said I took his advice, kept it moving. I had plenty of friends and I didn't need anymore, especially ones only wanting to associate with me because of who my boyfriend was.

Speaking of m boyfriend, it was like when I was with August I had no worries. I loved spending time with him and being around him. He always knew how to put a smile on my face and I was always happy when he was around. Things have been good with us since his birthday, we haven't gotten in one fight. He still knew how to get on my nerves and get under my skin but I didn't feel like arguing. So I sucked it up and kept my mouth shut when usually I would have told him off or said something to hurt his feelings. I guess I wanted to be happy, keep him happy, in a way I was just trying to be a good girlfriend. Even if that meant being fake and keeping my mouth shut when I wanted to curse him out and tell him off.

I was just trying to make him happy, even if that meant being fake. If there was one thing I knew how to do it was hide how I felt. They told me back then that I should talk to somebody, get help but my mom refused. Instead of getting me the help I probably needed, we moved. She thought it would be good for us, for me to get a fresh start. But moving and not talking about my problems wasn't enough to make me forget what I've seen, what I've been through. My mom was strong, she knew how to deal but she wasn't the one who had to go through what I've been through that day. I couldn't really blame her, I was old enough to ask for help but I didn't want to talk to anybody. I thought I didn't need help, I thought that not thinking about that day would be help enough. That in time I would forget, and things would get better, but they weren't. The past was in the past and that's where it needed to stay buried, for good. August couldn't find out about none of this, my problems or else he would think I was crazy to. I'm not crazy.

He thought I was happy but in the past two weeks he's pissed me off more than once. Such as one day we were out and I didn't miss when he was clearly checking out some half naked hoe in the club on the low. I caught him staring and he tried to play it off, I just kept my mouth shut. When I asked him a simple question and he had the nerve to get smart with me. He was in front of Mike and Mike started laughing at me, along with August, I kept my mouth shut. When we were out having dinner. Our server a guy was talking to me, being a little flirtatious, but I didn't pay him any mind. August came back from the bathroom and caught the last thing the guy said. Even after August sat down the guy didn't even acknowledge him, just talking to me, dropping flirtatious hints. We weren't in our city, so no one knew who August was. August got pissed, asked the guy if he saw him sitting here. Unfortunately the guy had a slick mouth and I don't think that was something August was used to, and then he just snapped. Punches the guy, hard as hell. Kept on punching him, blood everywhere. It was chaos and I was so embarrassed, and we got kicked out. I was trying to calm him down but in the car he was still riled up. Then he flipped and accused me of having a thing for the guy. Some of the stuff he said was disrespectful, and hurt my feelings. It was hard, and I was surprised by my willpower but I kept my mouth shut even then.

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