Chapter 46

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Saturday I got out of bed after noon. I've been awake for several hours now but in my mind I was replaying yesterdays chaotic scene at school. I was still in disbelief, I went to sleep hoping it was a dream but woke up to a phone full of missed calls and texts. By now everyone had witnessed or heard what went down but I wasn't in the mood to talk about it. The girls asked if I was okay but I wasn't the one who got damn near beaten to death. I was fine physically, mentally not so much. 

 When I got home yesterday it just so happened that my mom was about to leave. One look at me and she knew something was off from. She started asking me questions and then once August left some of Tony's blood on me and she thought it was mine. She freaked out, asking me if I was okay and I told her I was. Then she asked who's blood it was, what happened and of course the first name she said was his. Asking me if he hurt me or threatened me and I had to calm her down from calling the cops. Calling her detective friend from church. Her overreacting didn't make things easier. As soon as she let me out of her sight I went to my room, took a shower and killed time in bed before I had to go dance. Looking over my shoulder the whole night thinking August was going to pop up but he never did. 

 Once I was feeling a little better I ate and texted Tony to ask if he was okay and then sent a text apologizing for August's behavior. It took some time but he text back that he was fine and that it wasn't my fault and there was no need to apologize. Then he went on to say it was best if from now on we kept our distance from one another. He was obviously worried, scared and I couldn't blame him. August was out of his mind yesterday and what he did was uncalled for.

 A little while later Julianna called me to and told me that since we didn't have our girls day out yesterday that we were having a night in at her house. Just us girls, watching movies, laughing, eating junk, a night of fun, no stress and god knows its exactly what I needed. We made the plans and she told me she would pick me up at 6.

 Before I got ready I took a good look in the mirror and realized how dull I liked. My hair was a tangle mess, I had dark circle under my eyes and my face was broken out. I looked a mess and it was a wonder any boy would give me a second glance. So I decided to take some much needed TLC. I turned on some music and focused on my first task, my hair then my skin before getting in the shower. 

 By the time I got out I felt brand new and relaxed. Throwing on something comfortable I packed everything I needed for the night in a my duffle bag and everything else of interest. I double checked making sure I had everything before leaving my room, it was a little after six so I know Julianna would be here soon. 

 My mom was in the living room and she got up once she saw me. Walking over she caught me off guard by hugging me, I didn't say a word, just hugged her back lightly. 

 "Do you feel better," she asked. 

 "Yeah," I nodded, she noticed my bag. 

 "Where are you going?" 

 "To Julianna's, were having a....sleepover I guess." 

 "Do you think that's a good idea?" 

 "I think it's a great idea, I need to get out of the house and have some fun, relax." 

 She looked like she wanted to argue but my phone vibrated with a text, it was Julianna telling me she was out front. I looked back at my mom. 

"I'll be fine, I promise I'll call you once we get to her house." 

 "Okay I love you." 

 "Love you to mom." She walked me to the door and even stood in the doorway as I got in Julianna's car and watched us pull away all the while waving. 

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