Chapter 61

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It's been a week since I've last seen or heard from August. I thought I was doing the right thing but it didn't feel right. I had my life all figured out school, things were fixed with my mom but that empty feeling was back and I knew only one person could fill it. I avoided all talks about him hoping that the pain of not having him in my life anymore would fade overtime.

As bad as I was feeling on the inside though I was glad for therapy because it helped me get a lot of things of my chest. Ms. Baxter asked questions and let me talk but she was neutral of course about everything. I cant help but feel like talking about my feelings was only a temporary fix for my problems.

Getting out of my second class of the day on this morning I got a call from an unknown number. I usually don't answer them but decided since I had time ten minutes to get to my next class to answer, since it may have been important.


"Hello Kashmere," I recognized her voice immediately and was confused but relieved in a sense.

"Hi Ms. Sheila, umm," I started wanting to know why she was calling me.

"Is this a bad time," she asked.

"No I'm in between classes right now."

"I'll make it quick, I actually wanted to talk to you, are you free after school?"

"I am," I nodded.

"Good, you remember how to get to my house don't you?"

"I do."

"Okay then, is 3 good?"

"It is."

"Perfect, I'll see you at three sweetheart."

After our goodbyes I wondered what she wanted to talk about but I had a feeling what or who this conversation would regard, her son. Another part of me thought August wasn't going to be there and it was going to be an ambush.

After school I decided to go straight to Sheila's to see what she wanted to talk about. Arriving at her place a little after 3 I didn't notice August's car and for that I was glad. I quickly got out of the car and walked up the steps to the porch and rang the doorbell. No more than ten seconds later the door was opening.

"Hi," she smiled at me.

"Hi Ms. Sheila."

"Come on in," she moved to the side so I could walk in, "You want anything?"

"No thank you I'm fine."

"You sure sweetie?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Well let's sit," I followed her into the living room and we sat on the couch. We were only sitting for a couple of seconds before she sighed and looked me over.

"You young kids," she smiled eyeing my hair.

"Oh," I smiled, "Spur of the moment thing."

"It fits you," she smiled at me, "But I didn't call you to talk about your hair, how are you?"

"I'm fine," I nodded but she looked at me like she could see right through me.

"Are you really?"

I shrugged, "Yes."

"August told me you've been seeing a therapist."

I looked at her a bit surprised that this boy was running back telling my business to his mom especially since not even my mom knew I was seeing a therapist. Only person I've told was August.

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