Chapter 6

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He asked if me and my girls would come with him to this fourth of July party tomorrow. At first I thought he was asking me something serious but I guess that's what I get for getting my hopes up.Once I got home and told the girls they were all excited, especially Crystal. 

The next morning I got up and got ready and by the time I got out I looked though my drawers. I was debating whether I should wear a one piece or a bikini and when I sent a quick text to the girls they came back with an unanimous decision, bikini. So I picked one, found something simple and comfortable to throw over it and slipped on my chucks and finished getting ready. 

I tossed my hair up in a bun and and left things simple. I had already had my lie covered with my mom, telling her I was going to Danielle's house and she believed me. I felt bad for lying to her but I wasn't ready to tell her who I was really hanging out with. 

I left the house once the I got the text that the girls were here. We were supposed to be following behind the boys so they could lead us to this party. A couple of minutes later August pulled up in front of us and we were off. 

It was a pretty long drive and to an area I wasn't familiar with at all. Once we entered a neighborhood I was in awe at the houses, or should I say mansions and luxury cars in the driveway and were all gated. It made me extremely curious as to who exactly I was going to be at this party. 

We slowed down and stopped and I was to busy looking at the house once the gate opened and we were pulling in the driveway. Whoever lived here must of had serious money, this house had to be in the millions, double millions. There were several other cars in the driveway and once me and the girls got out I could smell the distinct smell of a grill and hear music coming from what sounded like the back of the house. 

"Damn, now this is my scene," Crystal said putting her shades on. The boys got out and met us as we walked to the front door. August took my hand in his and I smiled remembering  yesterday and our make out session. 

"Awe there holding hands," Julianna said to Danielle but I could hear her and I'm sure August could to. I sent her a look and ignored her. D was the first one to reach the door so he rang the doorbell. Five seconds later he started beating on the door like they were drums. 

I heard someone yell something from the other side of the door and D stopped and the door opened up to reveal a girl, or should I say women. She was beautiful. 

"I should have known," she mumbled looking at D and then focusing in on the rest of us. While she looked us over I looked her over. She was light skin, long bright hair and her arms were covered in tattoos. She was wearing a red bikini, gold jewelry, but something was off.

Instead of inviting us in she just looked at us and then her eyes landed on August, then me, and our hands, which he was still holding. All of a sudden he dropped my hand and I was shocked. Was this an ex or something or one of his girls? 

"Are you going to let us in or nah," D asked her and she rolled her eyes at him and backed away from the door so we all could walk in. The foyer of the house was huge and I could only imagine what the rest of the house looked like.  

The girl closed the door after us and picked up a drink from the nearby table and sipped it mugging the hell out of me and the girls for no reason whatsoever. 

"Where's everybody," D asked her. 

"Back," she motioned towards the back of the house where the music was coming from and D told us he would take us out back and August following us but the women said his name and said she needed to talk to him. Yes something wasn't right about that situation but why should I care, I wasn't his and he wasn't mine. 

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