Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: This Chapter is Rated R for a reason, read at your own risk.

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————-The next morning I woke up in bed and August was still knocked out.  Today we were supposed to be leaving the hotel at 11, so we could go to the outlets.  I wasn't a big shopper and to be honest I rather sit in bed all day or go back to the beach down to the beach but whatever.  It was after nine and since August takes 2 hours to get ready I decided to wake him up right now so no one would be waiting on us. 

I shook him but he just pulled the covers over his head like the big baby that he was. 

"August,"  I said his name again but he ignored me.  I debated on ripping the covers off and dumping some hot or cold water on him but figured that would be to much. Whatever.

I let him stay sleep while I went into the bathroom to get ready.  I took a shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face and dressed in oversized jersey, shorts and he was still in the bed when I got out the bathroom and it was nearing ten o'clock.  

I walked over and yanked the covers off of him.

"You need to get up, it's almost ten."

He acted like he was still sleep but I knew he wasn't because I could see a ghost of a smile on his face so I walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow from my side and whacked him with it.  After the first hit his eyes shot open and he tried to block me with his hands.  He grabbed the pillow from me and it was  tug of war before he finally let go and I went falling backwards on my butt.  

"You did that on purpose you asshole."

"You told me to let go," he got out of the bed only wearing boxers and held out his hand and helped me up and I rubbed my sore butt.

"My bad," he apologized 

"You need to hurry up and get dressed, and make sure you brush your teeth," I walked out the room, "Twice and floss, and use mouthwash."

"What you tryna say," he called after me.


Surprisingly we weren't the last one's downstairs, Ebony and her whatever he was to her took that position. After driving close to an hour we finally got to the outlet.  Me and the girls followed after the boys having our own little side conversations about this and that while August talked with his boys. These were high priced stores, Louis Vuitton and other shit and I sure as hell wasn't going to dish out money on unnecessary shit so this shopping trip was pointless for me and the girls.  While we were in the Louis store non of the stuff even had price tags on it so I assumed if you had to ask how much it was you probably couldn't afford it anyway. 

I had no problem with August hanging out with his friends but sadly Ebony was his so called friend to and every time I glanced over at him she was never far behind.  I may have been paranoid or bias but I swear when she was around he acted like I didn't exist.  He knew I didn't like her but instead of distancing himself from her he did the opposite.  I promised myself I wouldn't jump to conclusions but it was hard not to.

We entered a jewelry store and I didn't like the way the clerk was looking at us when we walked on.  She didn't even say hi and she had on this tight lipped smile, I bet she already had the cops on speed dial as soon as she seen us walk in.  Everyone looked around the store and I wandered around and ending up at a display case of bracelets with the girls. The bracelets didn't have no stones in them, yet they were priced in the thousands. 

"This place is ridiculous, who's going to pay 2000 dollars for a that," I said aloud to no one in particular.

"And it aint even cute," Danielle added and I agreed.

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