Chapter 51

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One week after the video shoot and things were going well. I had my doubts but I think therapy was actually doing some good.  First thing Ms. Baxter recommended that we work on is positive thinking and my confidence in general. She recommended doing things that made me happy and made me feel good about myself because how can I love someone else if I don't love myself right?

I was in need of getting out the house so me and the girls decided to go shopping and go to the movies. Thanks to all the gift cards I've accumulated thanks to you know who and it was like free money. First stop was Victoria's Secret. I had enough fancy underwear so I decided to grab some clothes. After waiting around for Crystal to leave, I begged the girls to come with me to the Nike store next.

Once we got inside the store I went to the look at shoes and they went to go look clothes. I browsed the shoes. Browsing each aisle aimlessly I didn't see anything women section I browsed each aisle until I heard a familiar laugh. I paused before following the sound and it led me to who I thought it would D.

"Dorian," I cheesed and he turned around, "I haven't seen you in years."

"It's only been like a week."

"Whatever, I thought I heard your loud mouth."
"Ha," he smiled, "Only thing loud is your hair, that is yours isn't it?"

He reached out and touched it and I slapped his hand away.

"Yes you asshole so keep your hands off."

"Anyway, where's Julianna?"

"Who says I'm here with her, I could be with my new boo."

He rolled his eyes like he didn't believe me, "Where is she?"

I looked at him suspiciously. I knew they talked daily, morning, noon and night and I found it funny that Julianna didn't mention that D was going to be here. Before I could call him out on it, I heard his voice and just from that started to get butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm not gon be carryin ya shit if yo ass just gon pull a disappearin," August walked right up to us. D was blocking his view of me and when he saw me it showed in the way that he ended his sentence.

We made eye contact and I looked down avoiding his gaze feeling oddly shy all of a sudden.

"Well," D clapped his hands and rubbed them together grinning from ear to ear, "I'm a catch up with ya'll two later, peace."

He threw up the peace sign and walked off leaving just the two of us alone. We stood there for a short while not saying a word to each other until I decided to break the silence by throwing D under the bus.

"He's such a clown," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"He is," August nodded and I smiled when we made eye contact. We stayed like that just staring at each other until I couldn't handle it anymore and looked down. I looked up after a while and smiled at him. I didn't know what to talk about but I wanted us to talk and so I decided to bring up the fact that he was wearing glasses. I knew he wore contacts and only seen him with glasses a handful of times and that was when at his place, never in public.

"Your wearing your glasses, " I smiled, "In public."

He nodded with a smile on his face and looked down before looking back at me.

"You look cute, adorable."

His face scrunched up, "Adorable?"
"Yes," I laughed at his face.

"I'ma let that slide."

We both had smiles on our faces, a far cry from the last couple of times we were face to face.

He looked me up and down and his eyes landed on my hair.

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