Chapter 38

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The week went by kind of slow and I blamed that on it only being the first week of school.  I didn't have none of the girls in my classes and I was bummed about that but I did make one friend, sorta. Tony was nice and was cool. He was 21, and this was his second year here and I didn't know much else about him. When we talked it was always casual and I didn't feel like he had ulterior motives. 

It was Wednesday we were walking to the parking lot and the girls were already waiting and surprise surprise as soon as Crystal laid eyes on him it was lust at first site. Immediately she made me introduce him to her, especially and then she took it upon her self to give him the eyes. I could care less, one because I couldn't see Tony actually taking someone like Crystal seriously. She was a big flirt and it's like every time her eyes landed on a cute boy she shamelessly flirted with him not caring who was around. Tony quickly made an exit though, because he had work so he said bye to all of us and left. With Crystal watching him as he walked off.  As soon as he was gone she was pestering me with questions.

I told her what I knew, his degree and about how he wanted to be a business operation's manager.  In true Crystal fashion she wasted no time googling it and the medium salary and she saw dollar signs. This whole week she's been talking to different boys and asking each one of them there majors. It took her until we got to college to realize college really paid off well for people in certain fields. After I told her that she immediately started trying to get me to ask him a few more questions for her, but I brushed her off for now.  

I planned to do it one of these days but I figured she would eventually forget about him. Crystal was the shallow type and the more I got to talk to Tony I could tell he was the opposite. He just wanted to go to school, get his degree and graduate. I told Crystal she should stick to her corner boys and hustlers but then she had the nerve to tell me I 'hooked the big fish and every body else is pretty much shark food', whatever the hell that meant, I don't think she knew herself.  

That brought my mind back to August, I had been thinking a lot. Thinking way to much and I knew how I was when I let my mind run rampant. I dwelled and shit and thought about it so much that I would eventually start driving myself crazy in a way. I wish I could help it but I couldn't, my inner thoughts were my own worse enemy. 

When we first met it was no secret that we didn't hit it off.  I don't know how we went from being half assed friends to dating but I didn't question it at the time. I didn't question anything. No boy has ever gotten as close in a short period of time, I've had no desire to be with a guy before but then August walked in and just like that I was breaking all my rules. 

I told myself I would never make the first move on a guy, broke. I told myself I would wait three months before having sex with the boy I did end of dating, broke. I told myself that I would never date a boy with tattoos all over, a thug, someone who blatantly broke the law. Broke, broke, broke. I wasn't crying foul though and I didn't feel guilty or bad about breaking any of my rules, rules were made to be broken. And August broke them all. With him I always found myself doing stuff I swore I would never do, with him I wanted to. 

He was different, not how I really expected him to be. When we first met he was a all around flirt. He would talk to girls in front of him, flirt with them then turn around and flirt with me. It would piss me off but I was just jealous. I never really wanted attention from a guy before, but with August it was like I needed it. I wanted him to pay attention to me and only me, I wanted him all to myself and I got him. Little old boring me got the guy that everyone drooled over. It made me feel special that he picked me but I still wondered why, what about me made him want to throw the different girls, the partying all away for me? 

I don't know what I expected when I agreed to be with him officially but for some reason I didn't think about feelings, or the future. But now look at us, couple of months in and I could talk to him about nearly everything. He confided in me about things, his dad, his business. I'm positive he didn't go around telling that kind of stuff to anyone. He trusted me and trust was a big part of being in a relationship. Trust was even bigger to me than love. If I couldn't trust you then how was I supposed to trust you with my heart?

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