Chapter 40

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As soon as I got inside the house I locked up and went into my room and locked the door behind me. First thing I did was strip out of my clothes and tossed them in the hamper planning to wash them first thing tomorrow. I hopped into the shower and then got in bed. As soon as I laid down my phone buzzed and I knew who it was without even having to look.

Responding to August' s text I wished him a goodnight and put my phone back on my side table and closed my eyes praying for a peaceful night sleep. 

Jerking awake from my sleep and breathing heavily like I was having a attack. A anxiety attack. The tightness in my chest, the pounding of my heart, my throat was dry. I prayed for a peaceful night sleep but it wasn't answered. Looking at the clock I realized I had only been 'asleep' for two hours before the flashback and nightmares began. Getting up to get some water I laid back down in bed.

Eyes open staring at nothing in particular, I was scared to fall back asleep. Scared that if I did more flashbacks would come, more dreams. I was tired, exhausted but I just laid there staring at the clock watching the time tick on by. It was after two now. Two turned into three, three turned into four, and so on and so on. I laid there until I could see the light from the sun starting to rise. The bad dreams, the flashbacks only used to come at night and I hoped that this time around that would be the case as well. 

Waking up I rolled over and looked at the clock and I was surprised by the time. Three in the afternoon. I didn't have anymore nightmares but they rarely came when it was light outside anyway. Checking my cell phone I wasn't to surprised to see I had three missed calls, one from Julianna and two from August. I put my phone back down and handled my business because right now I didn't feel like talking to anyone. So I laid back down in bed, thinking about last night, what I saw, thinking about the flashbacks and my nightmares. I prayed that they were only a one time thing. 

Another hour of laying around and I finally and I grabbed my phone and called August. I knew he would get suspicious if I didn't call him back, especially after what happened last night. 

"I was just bout to call you again."

"Sorry I was sleep...what's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to check on you."

I knew he was referring to last night and what happened.

"I'm fine, I was just really tired last night but I'm good now."

"You sure."


"I called you to tell you that I'm leaving tomorrow."


"Outta town for a bit, I should be back Wednesday night."

"Oh," I sighed. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad about what he just said.

"So I wanted to see if you wanted to come over, chill at mines tonight, we can do whatever you want to do."

I didn't want to go out, to be honest I wanted to stay curled up in bed all day but I agreed to go to his place. I told him I would drive to his that way if I felt the need I could just drive home myself. I told him I would be there sometime around six so after hanging up laying around staring at the ceiling for a little while longer I gout out of bed and got ready. 

I wasn't in the mood for makeup or to dress in anything fancy so I threw on some leggings, some sneakers and a tank top and jacket and left my house. The drive to his place took longer than it needed because I was driving slower than usual but I got there. After knocking on his door I put a smile on my face and greeted him with a hug once he opened the door. 

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