Chapter 53

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The next day when I informed the girls that I was meeting up with August they all had there own opinions and offered up there two cents but as much as I appreciated there good and bad advice I was going to do, say and wear what I wanted.

Thursday I had an therapy session and once there I mentioned to Ms. Baxter that I tonight I was going to be meeting up with August. She thought that it was a good idea. She told me whether or not we decided to be friends or part ways it was good to get closure. She also advised that if we did decide to be friends that we sort of analyze our relationship and find out where things went wrong.

Tonight though I just wanted to talk to him, see where his head was at and really talk to him. None of that hi and bye stuff but really talk. I wanted him to know that I didn't really hate him. I was mad and I had a right to be whether we were on a break or not but we were on a break so technically he didn't cheat on me even though it felt like it. But I was over that now and I promised Ms. Baxter that I would stay calm, wouldn't get mad and would hear him out.

Once I got home I looked through my closet for something to wear. I didn't want to go overboard and look like I tried to hard but at the same time I didn't want to show up looking a mess. I settled on a sweater, jeans, and my black Timberlands. Once I had my outfit picked out I took a shower and got dressed. Once I was happy with my appearance I grabbed my purse and everything that I needed and headed out.

My mom thought that I was going out with the girls but she thought a lot of stuff. I hadn't mentioned I was going to therapy to her, not anyone not even Julianna. It's not that I was ashamed or embarrassed but I felt like it was no bodies business. My mom would make a big deal about it so it was best I keep her in the dark for now.

I suggested to August that we meet somewhere public and where I could eat since he insisted he was paying. I drove to where we were meeting and got there at 7:10, ten minutes late. I spotted his car and knew he must have been already waiting on me. I quickly looked myself over one last time before getting out of my car and heading inside. I was slightly nervous but I knew I couldn't do anything about that. Inside I looked around and spotted him towards the back and I walked over.

Once he noticed me he stood up and smiled at me and I smiled back. He took a step closer to me opened up his arms for a hug I assumed. I just stared at him and he sucked his teeth.

"So ya' not gon' gimme a hug?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and took a step forward to him he wasted no times wrapping his arms around me. I intended for the hug to be quick but he had other plans. I took the time to savor the feeling of being in his arms again, it's been so long and he smelt so good.

"You smell sweet," he pulled away from the hug looking me over, "Like cookies or cake."

I laughed softly, "My lotion, vanilla bean."

"Hmm," he licked his lips and I looked down trying to avoid his stare and that's when I noticed his outfit. We were dressed similarly, dark jeans, black sweaters and black Timberlands. It was to much of a coincidence and he must have noticed as well because he was looking at my outfit and glanced down at his.

"Jacked my whole look," he joked.

"Boy bye," I waved him off, "Besides I look better so I win."

"Nah you rockin' a Cosby sweater."

I opened my mouth in shock and looked down at me sweater and back up at him while he laughed.

"Your so mean."

He continued laughing and I sat down and he did the same. First thing we did was order and it was kind of awkward at first but soon the conversation started to flow. He caught me up on what's been going on with him. He told me that he's just been working, and him and D had some kind of business deal in the works. He also told me that last month he moved, into a high-rise building, penthouse. He went on to talk about the view and how big it was and I was jealous.

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