Chapter 65 (Final Chapter)

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**Prologue to the Sequel is posted. 


Waking up the next morning knowing what I had to do today put me in a sour mood before I even got out of bed. As much as I wanted to think that my mom wasn't serious I rather play safe than sorry because I had lots of stuff I needed for school at home, not to mention everything else I owned.

I got up and took a shower and dressed in jeans and a hoodie and some sneakers. August was quiet to, I think he noticed that I was in a mood and so he didn't say much to me. Even though I wasn't in the mood to talk I still appreciated everything that he was doing for me. To let me temporarily stay at his place was so amazing of him.

Me and him took both of our cars because I didn't want to risk the chance of not being able to fit everything in his car and having to come back. I led the way and we got to my house a little after nine. I was secretly pleading that my mom changed her mind.

We parked and I got out of the car and walked up to the door with him trailing behind me. Once I reached the top steps the front door swung open catching me off guard and there stood my mom. It was still early in the morning but she still looked mad. She looked at me and then looked behind me.

"What is he doing here, at my house," she asked.

I sighed, "He's helping me pack up all my stuff."

"No," she shook her head, "He's not coming in here."

I looked back at August and back at her, "How am I supposed to move all of my stuff out in time then?"

It's cool. You can pack up everything and bring it to the porch. I'll take it out to the cars, give me ya keys."

I handed August my keys over and then focused my attention back on my mom. I made a move to step inside and after some time she stepped aside. I shook my head and walked into my room. I didn't see how I was going to be able to move all of this stuff so I decided to leave behind the furniture and everything else that my mom bought.

I first focused my attention on my clothes, quickly folding them and putting them away in the boxes trying to go as fast as possible.

I had a large box for my clothes, small box with more clothes, a large tote for my shoes, another box with all jewelry and accessories and not to mention all of my other stuff such as my laptop. By the time I was done bringing the last one out a van had pulled up to the house and I realized that it was the people to change the locks.

As August took the last box to the car I did a once over of my room and made sure I wasn't forgetting anything before walking out and on the porch where my mom was already standing.

"So this is it," I asked her.

"I guess so," she nodded, "Your 19 now, and your right it's time for you to start making your own mistakes."

I didn't know what else to say to her, I wasn't pleading or crying for her to change her mind. The man to change the locks made his way up to the house.

"Bye," I simply said to her and walked away. I walked over to my car and once I was there August closed my trunk up and handed me my keys.

I thanked him looking down at them. I took off the house key and glanced back at the house where my mom was talking to the lock smith and back at August.

"I'm ready."

"To unpack," he asked and I nodded. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back despite how low I was feeling.

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