More than Hot Chocolate

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The newspapers the next day were wild with headlines reading "Simmons Love affair ends in Blood?" I was at a new apartment watching the Sunday football game and just browsing a bit of the daily news. Wait let me scratch that I wasn't just browsing I was stalking the story like crazy making sure my name wasn't in the news articles.

I hadn't spoken to Aaron in three days because he thought it'd be better to give me space and time and that was what I needed.

I stretched out on the couch and played around with my phone trying to find some way to text Aron a hey or how are you. As I groan with frustration I hear the door open and there's Aaron standing in the doorway with flowers and a cup.

"I bought Hot Chocolate and flowers and I missed you... a lot." Aaron closes the door and looks around my living room/ dining room where the boxes are still taped and in a corner.

"You feeling ok love?"

I put my phone away and lean over the couch to look at the goodies in his hands.

"I'm ok just been busy with things."

Aaron looks around the room and nods at the boxes and then his eyes stop on the several newspapers on the coffee table.

"I was looking at the little comics." I quickly swipe the papers off the table and throw them behind a box as Aaron turns around to face me again.

"I was thinking we'd do something fun today, you know get outside and get some fresh air."

I push my hair out of my eyes and look at him as he stares at the table where the papers were lying.

"So what do you mean by fun?" he takes off his coat and strolls over to me plopping down by my legs and kicking his shoes off.

"I mean we could stay here and be busy and stuff."

He looks at me in that knowing way and I quickly jump off the couch as he rests his hand on my knee.

"Oh no you don't, I know exactly where those hands are going and I haven't showered yet."

He smiles and gets up from the couch and follows me around the table unbuttoning his shirt.

"I don't care, just let me touch you and make love to you" Aaron bites his lip as I stumble and try to keep away from him.

"Ok let's talk about this, weren't we supposed to be going out and having fun?"

Aaron stops on the other side of the couch and frowns at me.

"I thought you were busy here with stuff." I cross my arms and tap my foot on the floor.

"You know damn well that I wasn't busy." I huff.

"What are you afraid of Laina? I don't bite unless you ask me to."

I'd been feeling weird about everything that happened Friday that I kind of wasn't looking to be this intimate so soon after. 

I don't answer him for a while so he throws his hands in the air and starts buttoning up his shirt. "Since you won't let me please you let's go to a movie in Italy if you like." 

I unfold my arms and put my hands on my hips staring at him in disbelief. "You are still my boss Mr. Simmons and if anyone knew that you were giving me special treatment I'd have to resign." 

Aaron slowly started to walk towards me with a smirk dancing across his lips and I put my hands down slowly stepping backward. Before I could make a run for it he grabs me quickly and wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Did you just call me Mr. Simmons? cause if you did I have to make your mouth remember that it's Aaron to you." he pulls my hair back to meet his eyes and stares into them waiting for an answer.

Me being the smart ass I am stood my ground and said "You heard what I said, Mr. Simmons." Aaron grins and lifts me into the air as I wrap my legs around him.

"Fine, I guess I have to teach you manners, Miss Jackson." He carries me to the bedroom and well let's just say I know how to spell every word in the dictionary.


I am back this summer and quite honestly I missed you supporting readers. I am in love with this book all over again and honestly, it's like being Alaina and also wanting your boyfriend to be everything like Aaron. I have been gone for a while because as you know I am in college and plus last summer I had surgery so there was no way I could continue to keep up with the chapters. So readers who's ready to see where Alaina and Aarons's relationship will go next?



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