Past Memories Catch up

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Aaron kept staring at me every time I stifled a cry of pain. "I can not watch you in this much pain."

"You agreed that I would after the dinner."  Before Aaron could make a sly comment two gentlemen one tall one short came to our table and bowed. Aaron stood and I followed mimicking his movements. I was surprised to find that the two men spoke English really well and began to type away the details of the conversation.

As I was typing my hand would shoot little shots of pain up my arm and I'd shudder every time.

"Are you ok?" The tallest of two asked me after seeing me shudder.

"Yes, it's just cold in here that's all," I reassured him.

He nodded his head and jumped back into the conversation. I was so engrossed in my work that when the gentlemen stood up to leave my hand was in so much pain I almost fainted from it. Aaron quickly called a cab and I got nervously in it.

"I'll meet you there."

he closed the door and ran back into the restaurant.

Sitting on the hospital bed clutching my aching hand Aaron came in with my purse.

"Next time you'll listen to me and go to the hospital?" 

I laid back shaking my head. "I don't know Mr. Simmons I'll break it a few more times just to be babied likes this."

He raised an eyebrow and looked down at me. Oh, the things I wanted to do to that sexy face I just couldn't keep myself together recently. Aaron started typing away at his phone and stepped off to the side to answer a call when the doctor came in.

I immediately went into surgery if I wanted to go home the next day.

After the flight home, I was doped up on painkillers so much that I could barely keep my thoughts together. I don't know what I said to Aaron but he was smiling the whole flight back to New York. I remember Aaron helping me up the steps of my apartment building and putting me to bed.

I nodded off to sleep dreaming about Angela and my mom. I woke around three AM to find Aaron shirtless and asleep in my recliner with his laptop on his lap. I tiptoed to the bathroom and noticed my kitchen light was on but thought nothing of it.

"So the CEO thinks he owns this apartment too, huh?"

After washing my hands and on my way back to the bathroom I heard something fall in the kitchen and slowly turned around thinking Aaron had gotten up for some water. Upon entering the kitchen I found no one but my purse in the middle of the floor and my wallet open. I suddenly got goosebumps as I felt someone moving behind me. I spun around as a hand slapped my face and covered my mouth as I was about to scream out for help.

I was face to face with Josh who smelled like beer and cigarettes.

"Hey Little Laina, how you been?"

I trembled as Josh looked at me smiling crazily.

"If you scream I'll give you a good shiner, you understand?" I couldn't move as the fear I'd been avoiding for three years slowly came rushing back.

" understand?" he said more slowly gripping my face tightly and I slowly nodded. He moved his hand and I backed up scared out of my mind as he snatched an open beer off the counter and took a long drink from it.

"Damn girl don't you look good." My mind was racing as I looked around for a weapon to use to defend myself.

"That your boyfriend, the big shot you've been fucking?" I shook my head not wanting him to hurt Aaron and he sat the beer down on the counter staring at me.

"Josh please I'll give you whatever you want just please leave." Josh smiled and licked his lips.

"I want what you've been giving that man in there. I want to have the once Miss Bluebonnet pageant winner, do you think I can get that from you?"

My teeth began to chatter as Josh's eyes undressing me. I shook my head and finally found my voice again.

"No, you can't have that from me ever again."

His gaze turned into hatred as he stood up and grabbed me by my hair dragging me from the kitchen into the living room.

My eyes stung and watered as Josh gripped my hair tightly and threw me to the floor. My room door was right there if I could just run to it and wake Aaron but no Josh jumped on top of me tearing my t-shirt off exposing my breast and giving me another hard slap across my face. I gasped for air as another slap hit me harder than the last and I could feel a bruise forming on my face as Josh crashed his lips into mine. I laid there dazed as I heard Josh unbuckling his jeans.

Not thinking about anything else but my life I brought my knee up hard and hit him in the crotch he yelled and rolled over as I got up running for my room and screaming. Josh was right behind me and he picked up my vase and tossed it at my back. I stumbled and caught myself turning around to see Josh pulling off his belt. He swung it once then twice as I put my hands in front of my face in defense, I heard the third hit coming but it never reached me.

I opened my eyes to see Aaron standing in front of me bare chest and all holding the other end of the belt in his hand. Josh was just as surprised as I was when Aaron suddenly yanked the belt closer and hit Josh in the face with one punch. 

Josh fell backward screaming as blood poured from his nose. Aaron turned and grabbed me and I winced as his hand touched the bruises on my arms. He took a deep breath and bawled his fist trying to calm down. As Aaron was about to turn around Josh ran from the apartment. I hurried and ran to the door to lock it but it was no use the lock was busted. I slid down the wall tears running down my cheeks. Aaron brought me to his chest and hugged me whispering that it was going to be ok and that I was safe.

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