Then He Asks

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Another week passed by and I'd been so busy with work that I stop doing my hair all together throwing it into a bun every morning as many times as possible. Aaron on the other seemed to have everything together and walked in every morning looking as though he'd slept for hours.

I was on my last leg as I stood from my desk and went to get myself some coffee. Ryan was in the break room gossiping with some friends and waved me over when he saw me.

"Morning guys." I yawned feeling out of it completely.

"Honey you don't look too good, you need lye down." I waved it off and smiled.

"I've just been taking work home lately and I'm currently running off of 3 hours of sleep a night."

Ryan and the other two women with him shook their heads and looked at me sympathetically.

As I made my way back to my office I hear Aaron open his door and say something.

"Sorry, what was that?"

When I turn to face him he looks at me concerned.

"Are you ok?" I nodded slowly until I saw my reflection in the glass behind him.

Under my eyes were bruised and my eyes were so low that I looked high.

"Do you need help with your work?" I shook my head and smiled at him.

"You're sweet but I'll be fine."

He looks at the work on my desk then at me and makes his way into my office. I sit down while Aaron rolls up his sleeves and starts flying through the paperwork. I work right next to him and we get through the stack in an hour.

As we're finishing the last piece of paper I put my head face-first onto my desk.

My computer screen lights up and I raise my head to see an email from Trustpilot confirming the flight when Aaron looks up and sees the preparation for Hong Kong.

"Where's your plane ticket?" he says looking over the screen.

"I wasn't aware that I would be going with you." he nods and stands to make a call. I hear him speak in Mandarine and he hangs up.

"Book another ticket I have to have my assistant with me."

I bought another plane ticket and he nodded his head in approval.

"We don't really know anything about each does we?"

I nodded and kicked my heels off. "I believe that was your fault or shall I remind you about the ten shots I took to your seven."

Aaron laughed and leaned back in his chair facing me. "I remember winning though, but seriously tell me something about yourself."

Alright, let's do it. I sit up and kick my shoes off.

"Favorite color?"


"Sea-green." I think of the next question to ask to kick it up a notch.

"Any tattoos?" Aaron pulled up his shirt and reveals a bull on the left side of his chest.

I roll up my sleeves and reveal the Harry Potter tattoo I got for my Senior ditch day in high school.

"Favorite place to be kissed?"

"You already know the answer to that question."

He smiles at me and at the glass to see Ryan poking his head around the corner watching us. Ryan slips back into the break room and is nowhere to be seen."

"I heard that you don't date your staff."

Aaron furrows his brow and nods. "Usually I don't but for you, I'm willing to take that chance."

"Wow I'm flattered but if I'm right and I usually am, won't rumors start spreading about us?"

Aaron nodded and crossed his arms. "Absolutely but let's not play into it, if they find out we're dating then they do."

I looked at him a bit confused. "Are you asking me out?" He smiled at me and grabs my hand.

"I thought that was clear when I invited you to dinner the other night."

I shook my head and started to laugh. "That was far from a date."

He slid closer and looked me into my eyes. "I know I make you nervous, and I also know that whenever you're near me you're just about ready to tear my clothes off."

I roll my eyes at his accurate assumption. "And how do you know that Mr. Simmons?"

He sat back in his chair and looked at me longingly.

"Because I feel that way every time I'm around you."

Again I can't believe what I'm hearing this sexy man tells me that I make him nervous. I see more people gathered in the doorway to the break room watching us. 

"You think it's obvious he says looking at me.

"Oh yea, too obvious."                                                                                                                                                          

He pulls out his phone and looks at me, " You know I don't think I have your number."

I pulled out my phone and let him put his number in. My phone buzzed again and this time a text popped up saying, "You stupid bitch you don't think Lydia told me where you moved? I'm coming for you and bringing your ass straight back to Texas."

Aaron took my phone and blocked the number. "That is not a person you want to in your life especially if he doesn't respect you for the woman you are."

It was almost too good to be true that Aaron could be Mr. Right and actually treat me like I was someone who mattered?

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Did he hurt you?" I looked over at him and didn't answer.

"That's a story for another time."

He grabbed my hands and brushed his fingers over the scars my nails had made over time. "If you ever need someone to talk to I'm just across the hall or now a phone call away.

(❗️READERS❗️: Hey guys the next 2 chapters will be as short but important parts of Alaina's life before New York. I'll be writing 30 more chapters to this book and make sure you add it to your library so you know when the chapters come in. I usually write up to 2-3 chapters a day so I cover enough detail. As usual, make sure you VOTE and COMMENT if you like the new ideas.🥰🥰🥰

Yours truly, 


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