Ruby's Burger Joint and Bar

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As we're walking down the street I feel myself secretly whining because I'm in no mood to go somewhere fancy. 

 "Can this please just be a burger place with milkshakes?" 

He looks up at me and laughs. "I know the feeling, we're almost there." 

We walk a little further and the streets start getting rough well rougher compared to the center of New York. As we round the corner a small diner is sticking out like a sore thumb lighting up with colored lights and a huge sign reading "Ruby's Burger joint and bar."

"Oh, would you look at that half bar huh?" Aaron looks at me sideways grinning.

I shake my head already guessing what's running through his.

"We have work tomorrow, I can not go to work with a hangover, or I won't get anything done." Aaron nods seeming to agree with me and holds the door open for me to enter.

Ruby's Diner was like stepping into an old fashion movie girls were on roller skates wearing big fluffy polka dot red dresses and pin-up curl hair dues.

I take my seat in a booth and Aaron sits right next to me and pulls out his phone again. "We are about to eat dinner work can wait." I gently push his phone down on the table.

"True." with that he turns his phone off and mine starts to ring.

I look at the screen and the last person I want to call my name pops up.
Aaron grabs my phone and answers it. 

 "Alaina can't pick up the phone right now we're about to have dinner." he then hangs up and puts my phone in my purse.

I look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"What? Your words, not mine." I can't help but smile just a little.

"Was that your boyfriend?" I squeeze my hands and he notices and looks at them. "No, it's my ex." His face brightens up and I get the strangest feeling that he's happy.

A blond girl with big boobs comes over and places a menu in front of me and Aaron she smiles down at him and likes her red lipstick. 

 "I thought you'd never come back here," she says sitting her tray down. Aaron glances at me and just laughs at her remark. She looks from me to Aaron grabs her tray again. 

"What can I get you both?' I order a strawberry milkshake and he orders a vanilla one. She gives him one more sad glance before rolling away. 

 "What was that about?"

Aaron looks up from the menu and looks at me. "I had a little fling with her some time ago?"

I slowly nodded my head and think for a second. "How long is some time ago?" 

He clears his throat and says 3 months. I laughed and focus on my menu but all the while thinking about the blond waitress. Aaron keeps glancing at me from the corner of his eye and I hide my face behind the menu. 

 The waitress returns with the milkshakes and takes our orders she tried inconspicuously to slide a piece of paper to Aaron but clearly wanted me to see and walk away. Curiosity gets the best of me and I pick the note up and read out loud. 

 "You stopped calling, and I didn't hear from you for months and now you show up with a brunette. "Just call me ok, Joana." I stand up ready to leave and Aaron grabs my hand pulling me back into the booth.

 Aaron grabs the note and balls it up and tosses it into the other booth. Trying to forget the note I prop myself up on my elbows and eat the whipped cream out of my cup. 

When I sit back down Aaron is looking at me and grinning ear to ear. "You've got some whipped cream on your lip." I lift grab my napkin and wipe my lips. 

"Did I get it?"

Aaron leans closer, "No you missed a spot."

He licks the whipped cream off my lips and kisses me. There's a loud smack on the table and I jump back and look up at the blond who was clearly pissed and stares daggers at me. 

"Your food." She slaps the napkins on the table and Aaron pays her no mind while she walks away. I try to slow my breathing and look at the cheeseburger she just made. 

"I have the weirdest feeling that she spit on my burger."

Aaron agrees and we leave the restaurant with me groaning about food.

We walk to a food cart and grab hot dogs but my appetite has long been replaced by thoughts of Aaron. 

 "I'm sorry about tonight that wasn't supposed to go like that." I shrug it off my mind just thinking about that passionate kissing. We reach my building and he leans in to kiss me again. I put my finger on his lips to stop him and looks at me and sighs.                                                                      

"I'll see you tomorrow Miss Jackson." He smiles that sexy smile and my heart just about jumps out of my chest as I watch him leave. 

I sit in my room thinking about Aaron and wonder what we were going to be. Just a fling, an office mistake, or maybe and hopefully more.

(❗️READERS❗️: Sorry it was such a short chapter but trust me this small detail plays an important role in the book much love🥰🥰🥰and don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT.

Yours truly,


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