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A whole week having to look his mother in the eye knowing that she didn't like me was like an ice bath. I had never made it to this point in any relationship I had been in to go meet the parents of my boyfriend. His mother was a straight-up bitch to me all week.

We started the next day going golfing and the only golfing I'd ever done was mini golf and with everyone watching me I felt out of place.

"Here dear let me help you," Michael said getting behind me and placing his hands over mine on the golfing club.

I looked over at Aaron who was just leaning on the golf cart watching us. I tried hitting the golf ball but after three tries it was no use. Michale stepped away and we both shrugged. 

"Here let me try." Aaron had finally walked over to me taking off his sunglasses and tossing them into the golf cart seat. 

He gently grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his breath tickle the back of my neck and a shiver ran down my spine. He moved my hair aside and placed his mouth right next to my ear.

"Jealous?" I said just loud enough for the two of us to hear.

"He's not the one fucking you every day," he smirked.

I looked over at his mom who was gritting her teeth. When she noticed me staring she quickly looked away pretending she was very interested in the tree next to her.

Aaron first instructed me on how to bend my arms and then when he was satisfied he placed both hands on my waist making sure I turned them right as I swung. I hit the golf ball and watched it sore a couple of yards and everyone clapped as I turned around to Aaron thanking him.

He winks at Michale who nods to him. Men are so predictable sometimes but it was honestly cute seeing him like this. I walked over to Daisy and put my golf club back into the bag she was carrying.

"I love seeing him like that with you, it's really nice and he's never brought a girl home to meet the family." I didn't know what to say but all I could do was watch Aaron joking around with his brothers and for once not on the phone.

We later went to a restaurant and back to the house to have drinks and socialize. Aaron kissed me gently on the cheek as he guided me downstairs to their massive living room. His mom met us at the bottom of the steps with her arms crossed. 

"Aaron you know how I feel about the public affection, it's very distasteful and from what I saw today at the golf course I hope you'll be a little more modest while you're here." She looked at me on the last part of her sentence and it took everything I had in me not to roll my eyes at her.

Aaron looked confused and looked from his mother to me. 

"Mom is something going on? You've never said anything about this before." She threw her hands in the air and walked away from us.

After drinks and a bunch of laughs, we all headed to bed. Aarons mom stopped us on the way to Aarons's bedroom and asked us to sleep in separate rooms tonight as she didn't feel comfortable with us sleeping in the same room tonight. 

"Well, I'll see you in the morning, how about I make you breakfast?" I smiled before we kissed and I walked in the direction of my room.

Laying in bed knowing Aaron was just down the hall made me restless and it took forever for me to fall asleep. I was awakened as I felt someone sliding under the covers and pulling me closer. I looked at the clock and it was 3 am. I roll over to see Aaron's blue eyes staring at me just before he smiled.

"What's your mom going to say about this?"

He pulled me closer and buried his face into my hair. "Doesn't matter, I couldn't sleep with you all the way down the here."

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