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When we got back home I was met with a wonderful surprise, my sister was standing on my doorstep with a suitcase and her phone held to her ear. 

"Where the hell have you been?" 

She tossed her phone into her bag and turned a few inches to the right. What I saw was not the belly of a woman who had just gotten pregnant no this baby inside of her had been growing for a few months now.

Aaron was right behind me probably just as shocked as I was to see my sister standing there without any time for me to prepare. He gently placed his hand on the small of my back and I regained control of myself and took a deep breath.

"What do you think you're doing here? You show up here uninvited and expect me to invite you in."

She scoffed and took a step down, "Don't act so high and mighty because your boyfriend is nearby and besides I'm pregnant so the least you could do is let me sit down."

Aaron looked at me waiting for me to respond but I was just in complete shock at this point, "That does not look like the belly of a woman who just got pregnant." She looked at Aaron shocked and I just couldn't help but smile. Aaron had said exactly what I had been thinking when I first saw her.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me and don't act so high and mighty, aren't you the one here to beg for her forgiveness, or was that all for show?" Aaron put his hands in his pockets waiting for her to respond but she was just as speechless as me.

He caught my eye and winked as if reassuring me that everything was ok. I walked up to my apartment door unlocking it and holding it open for her to step inside. My stale box of pizza was still sitting on the counter where I left it before going to Dubai and I could already hear my sister's comments coming from a mile away.

"Wow haven't seen you this messy in a long time, little sister."

Aaron slid out a chair and sat down taking off his tie, "That's my fault I stole her for a week in Dubai with my family for Thanksgiving." 

She looked from him to me trying to work out what exactly it was she was seeing right now.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Alaina's boyfriend Aaron Simmons, we spoke on the phone when you called her at the office." She looked away her eyes rolling over the entire room and stopping on him again.

"You're the jackass who hung up on me in the middle of our conversation."

He smirked and stood up giving me the chair to sit down, "Look Lydia let's not start measuring dicks and cut the bullshit right here, you're here for a reason, or else you wouldn't have shown up uninvited and you know she doesn't want to see you let alone speak to you right now."

Lydia stood up and walked over to me bending down in my face like I was a child, "Stop letting your boyfriend talk for you and say something."

I slapped her hard across the face and stood up my face turning red and the palm of my hand stinging but I didn't care. "How dare you show up here after fucking the man who raped and beat me for years, you're a disgusting human being for even keeping the baby."

Lydia held her face tears started to build up in her eyes. I was shaking all overseeing her standing there pregnant with the fucking baby of my rapist.

"You're so fucking dramatic Laina, how do I know you aren't making that shit up." She faced Aaron fuming.

"And you're sticking up for her, how do you know she's not lying about what he did to her." Aaron looked at me and then back at Lydia.

"I believe every word that comes out of her mouth and just so you know she never speaks about her past because it's her past and you should respect that more than me right now."

Lydia plopped down on my couch still rubbing her face, there was a knock at the door and Lydia slowly turned pale and looked at me.

"What did you do Lydia?"

Aaron opened the door and was face to face with my father who was also holding a bag. I felt nauseous as he stepped through my door looking at me with his arms open as if waiting for me to embrace him. I don't know what came over me but I reached into my kitchen drawer and pulled out the handgun I had bought from the last time Josh broke into my apartment. I pointed it right at his chest as he lowered his arms still smiling.

Aaron stood in front of him and slowly walked towards me placing his hands on the gun and slowly prying it from my hands.

"This isn't going to solve anything and you know it." Aaron put the gun on the counter and grabbed my hands trying to keep me calm.

Out of nowhere my father appears and embraces me squeezing me tight and smelling my hair. I immediately threw up onto his shoulder and pushed him away continuing to throw up on the front of his shirt.

A moment of anger passed his face but was quickly gone, I felt so much fear and shock right now that I was getting lightheaded. 

"I think you guys should leave, now." Aaron sat me down in the chair and grabbed paper towels off the counter handing them to my father.

"I'm here to see my daughter and talk to her."

Aaron watched me clench and unclench my hands as I dug my nails into my palms trying to regain control. He nodded slowly putting two and two together.

"I know who you are and trust me when I say she doesn't want to see you, she pulled out that gun strictly for you, and if I hadn't been in the way you'd be dead."

My father looked at Aaron sizing him up then turned around walking to the door and Aaron followed, "I'll be back when you're feeling better so we can talk." Lydia kissed him on the cheek as he walked out of the door.

"Go with him," Aaron said holding the door open for her.


"Go, it's not a request."

Lydia grabbed her bags and walked out the door glancing at me one more time before leaving. Aaron cleaned up my vomit as I took a hot shower that ended with me curled up in a ball on the shower floor.

I found myself telling Aaron everything about my past and what had happened to me. He sat and listened not interrupting me and just nodding and reassuring me everything was ok. I hadn't realized how mentally fucked I had been this whole time until I saw my father today and it made me scared.

If Only He Wasn't My BossOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora