Alaina's Past (Part 2)

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Alaina had never paid any attention to Josh Hammens until one day when he walked into the choir room loud as usual and slapped his late note on the teacher's desk.

Alaina didn't know why she even spoke to him but she didn't know then that she'd regret even looking his way. 

 "What song is that?" she asked not looking up.

Josh stopped and looked at her surprised that she had even spoken to him. It wasn't normal for girls as pretty as Alaina to even look his way in this school. Maybe it was then or maybe it was later he realized how easy it was to manipulate Alaina.

"Its Bullet for my Valentine by Tears Don't Fall." Alaina faced him and started to notice all the good features about him.

Jet Black hair, green eyes, and that smile he was giving her said nothing but trouble. But she wanted to know him anyways and he was curious about the brunette who all of a sudden struck up a conversation with him.

The summer before their junior year started Josh had asked her out by stealing his mother's wedding ring and giving it to Alaina to wear around her neck. 

"It's so beautiful, I really love it." Alaina was ecstatic about the thought of them getting married as soon as they turned eighteen. When her senior year started Josh tightened his grip on her. But that's what girls do when they're trying to fix the hole in their hearts.

Alaina joined the cheerleading team in her senior year and fell in love with it but Josh didn't like the way other guys stared at her.

"You've gotta quit the cheerleading team," Josh told her right as she ran off the basketball court.

Alaina had just finished a pep rally and looked stunned to hear Josh say that out of nowhere. 

 "What? No, I'm not going to quit because you're insecure." as soon as the words had left her mouth she immediately regretted it. 

Josh's face turned red as soon as she'd said it, "Fine if you won't quit then we don't need to be together." with that he stormed out of the gym.

Alaina was too heartbroken to finish the pep rally so she said goodbye to the other girls and left early. Josh was waiting by the front doors when he saw Alaina walking towards him.

"I'll quit," Alaina said dropping her gym bag. Josh pulled her into a hug smiling to himself. When Alaina graduated from high school and Josh didn't, his attitude changed towards her in his mind he felt like she was trying to outgrow him.

Josh dropped out of high school so he could keep an eye on Alaina as she went to college and prospered. By the time Alaina had graduated Josh had proposed to her and they moved into a tiny apartment that they could barely afford but Alaina picked up the slack and picked up shifts at a diner so she could keep paying the bills.

One night she discovered that Josh had lost his job three months ago and had been spending the money they were saving at strip clubs and bars but this wasn't the only last straw Alaina had, he'd been abusing her lately and she knew she needed to get out. On the night she decided to leave him he came home drunk. 

"What the hell is this?" He said kicking Alaina's suitcases over and while spilling beer all down his shirt. "Fuck!" He smashed the beer on the ground and Alaina shook her head in disgust.

"Look at you, I've had enough I'm leaving you... for good."

Josh looked up at her and smiled. " I fucking made you, how dare you try to leave me." Alaina went to grab her bags and Josh slapped her hard across the. 

Alaina when crashing to the floor as her eyes started to water and slowly turned to look at Josh. "You want to be treated like a child fine."

He took off his belt and began to beat her mercilessly as screamed in pain begging for him to stop. After he was satisfied he got on top of her and had his way with her.

When he finally passed out Alaina lay face down on the carpet crying. Only when the sun began to come up did she find the strength to pull herself up off the ground and grab her bags and go. While she drove across the country with her newly dyed blonde, she tossed her phone and engagement ring out of the window and left Maine in the dust.

That was three years ago and only recently did she hear from him after her sister gave out her number. Josh called nonstop and as much as she wanted to block him every time his name popped up on her phone it reminded her to stay stronger than those who hurt her.

She hadn't picked up a call from Josh until Aaron had answered her phone and then later blocked it.

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