The Pink Lace Panties

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Aaron reassured me that I was most safe with him so I packed a small bag and we left the apartment together.

"Hey, you ok?"

I looked up at him and smiled, what could I say to him to ease his mind. "Yea I'll be fine."

I couldn't be honest and tell Aaron that my heart was in my stomach and tell him how my PTSD came rushing back like a slap to the face.

"I won't press you about it but know that I will do everything in my power to help you feel safe again."

My heart did flips as he looked at me and oddly enough I felt every word he truly meant.

The taxi stopped on a corner street in front of a small bakery and Aaron kissed my hand and told me he'd be right back. Five minutes later he walks out with a teenage boy who grabs my bag from the trunk.

"My father is here and it's a long story but Billy here is going to take you to my room a different way, is that ok with you?" I nodded and Aaron walked away making one final nod to Billy.

"Follow me Ma'am."

I walked after Billy back into the bakery and into the basement of the shop. Billy lead me into a long dark tunnel that went on forever until he stopped at a metal door and opened it.

I stepped into the light to see a well-furnished hallway with chandeliers hanging on each end of the hall.

"Is this a hotel?" I said looking at the room door numbers.

"Yes Miss, this is the Crutchfield Grand Hotel" He stopped at a door and took out a square key, card, and placed it below the doorknob.

As soon as I entered the hotel room, I remembered that I'd been here weeks ago.

Billy asked if I'd need anything else and left.

I was all alone in this huge hotel room and sat in a large chair rubbing my eyes with my good hand.

I popped my head into his bedroom and notice a pair of hot pink lace underwear sticking out of a drawer.

My heart sinks instantly as I stare at them holding back every emotion in me. I suddenly feel hands around my waist and look up to see Aaron smiling at me.

"Sorry, you had to take a shortcut, dealing with a lot of family drama at the moment."

"It's fine." my mind wanders back to the underwear and I just couldn't stop thinking about them. Aaron noticed me frowning and followed my gaze to the drawer.

"Alaina, are you worried about whose underwear those might be?" hearing his words I slowly turned my head to him and nod.

"Well I have a fetish for wearing women's lingerie, I was gonna keep it a secret from you but it looks like you caught me." He smiled at me innocently.

"You what?" I couldn't register anything Aaron had just said to me when he burst into laughter.

He crossed the room and pulled open the drawer pulling out the hot pink laced panties and placed them in my hand.

"The night I had you over you left them on my lamp so I've been taking care of them this whole time." 

My cheeks turn red as I feel the embarrassment of my assumption hit me. "I'm so sorry." I placed a hand on my forehead as I remember them.

"Don't worry about it, I wouldn't dream of hurting you in any way."

He leans down and kisses my lips gently and pulls away.

Aaron is gentle and kind and he's nothing like Josh or my father, I have to remind myself that if I plan to stick around I had to let my walls down which was easier said than done.

"I was thinking of a great idea that you more than I could really use right now." I looked at him as he was typing away on his phone.

"A trip to Rio De Janeiro in Brazil, it's an amazing place with beautiful people and all expenses paid of course." I looked at him in awe, he was going to take me to another country.

"Aaron I don't know what to say, that would be amazing but I honestly just want to sleep forever." he sat down in front of me and held my hands in his.

"I get, whatever you need to feel safe again."

I feel myself falling for Aaron and it's scaring me because now at this stage in life after everything I've been through no person or thing can really be all good, could it?

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