Ryan the Gossip Guy

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My new office was gorgeous looking over New York and not to mention the sweet sweet money I would be getting at the end of the week. 

Something I learned within the first week is that if Aaron came in and took his tie off we were going to be busy all day. On a day like today was especially busy I looked up from stacks of paperwork to see Aaron with his sleeves rolled up and hunched over his own stack of paperwork. 

I didn't understand why the owner and CEO of his own company would be sitting in an office working when he could be in the Bahamas.

I had long since sweated out my curls and just swept it all into a bun while trying to confirm the stock numbers for next week's meeting. I got an email from Aaron about booking his flight to Hong Kong two weeks from now and got to it before I forgot. As I finished booking the flight a tall blond-haired man knocks on my door and enters bringing a cup with him.

"Hi I'm Ryan, I brought you some orange juice and there are donuts in the break room." I perk up at the sound of donuts and take the mug while following Ryan out.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much." I grab a jelly-filled donut and devour it in three bites.

Ryan pulls me up a chair and I sit down eagerly taking another donut.

"You're not from around here are you?" I shake my head only half listening to him.

Ryan starts talking about how much he loves New York and I nod thinking about how I was adjusting to the large city.

"You know what, I think this is the first time I've had anything close to a meal in the past 3 days." Ryan laughed and shook his head.

"That's the great thing about working here, it's like being on a diet." I sigh and take another bite of my donut wishing it was a cheeseburger.

"How about we go out to dinner later Miss Jackson, a business dinner of course?" Ryan nearly jumps out of his seat as we look up to see Aaron leaning against the door.

Aaron walks over grabbing a donut and sits next to me.

He looks at me a little too long and takes a bite out of his donut. Every time our eyes met, the memories from our one-night stand ran wild through my head.

I looked at Ryan as I sipped my orange juice and noticed he was staring at us a little confused.

"So Mr. Simmons how busy are you this week?" Ryan asks staring from me to Aaron.

Aaron rest his elbows on the table and furrowed his brow. God, I couldn't believe how sexy this man was even when he was thinking. 

Aaron saw me staring and smiled. "How busy would you say we are Miss Jackson?"

I glanced at the stack of paperwork on my desk and sighed.

"We are super busy." I was sure I looked tired and worn down cause Ryan mentioned me needing a good night's rest.

Suddenly Aaron's phone rang and he stood up to answer it.

"Dinner after work." with that he walked away without another word. I felt a little annoyed as he walked away as if I had agreed to dinner.

"Look at that ass." I look up at Ryan who's biting his lip and watching Aaron leave.

"Oh, you're into Mr. Simmons?" He looked up from his daydream and stared at me.

"Aren't you? I mean it's not every day that you get to work with someone as hot as that." I was suddenly more curious about Aaron.

"So is he dating anyone?" Ryan took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat.

"Not that I know of, his last assistant actually quit because Mr. Simmons rejected her in front of everyone It was really embarrassing." I nodded and stared at the ceiling rubbing my neck trying to ease the tension.

"Hot night?" Ryan said smiling at me.

"What do you mean?"

He pulled out his phone and took a picture of my neck. When I saw the picture I felt my heart drop. There were hickeys all over my neck and running down my shoulder.

Ryan grabbed my shoulder and shook me gently.

"You can always cover it up." I stood up and thanked him for the orange juice and donuts and left back to my office.

I glanced at Aaron who has engrossed in paperwork again and pulled my blouse down my shoulder to see the damage on my computer screen. 

Huge red blots stuck out on my skin, "Oh shit!" I say out loud slapping my forehead. When I looked away from my screen I caught Aarons's eye who's eyebrows were raised at my blouse half down my shoulder. I quickly fix myself and stuck my nose back in my paperwork.

When eight o'clock rolled around Ryan came to say goodnight and left. I finished up my last report and kicked my heels off rubbing my aching feet.

"You ready?" I looked up to see Aaron standing in the doorway holding his briefcase and jacket.

"Yup," I said grabbed my purse, and slipped on my flats.

The whole floor was empty as we made our way to the elevators and got on.

"You know I've always daydreamed about fucking on this elevator, hitting the stop button, and just fucking right here on this floor."

I looked at the ground where he was staring and found it hard to swallow. He set his briefcase down and walked over to me. I felt his warm body press against me and looked up into the intense blue eyes and held my breath. Then I heard the sound of the elevator button being pushed and he smiled down at me.

"I won't do that to you Alaina, not until you ask me to." I finally exhaled as he went back to the other side of the elevator and started to type on his phone. I couldn't help but daydream about getting fucked on an elevator and then Aaron comes into my dream and I shake off the tingling sensation running through my body.

(❗️READERS❗️: I hope you enjoyed what you read. I do write graphic stories if this concerns you please read no further. Also, remember to vote and comment so I know how I'm doing 🥰🥰🥰)

Yours truly,


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