Not a Natural Blonde

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I will go to my grave knowing the fact that no mom will ever like me and I am very ok with that. I knew from the moment I stepped into the mansion that I was not welcome and that his mother was the center of attention at all times.

The living room along with the other three had pictures of Aarons's mother decorating every inch of the wall as if she was really trying to become one with the house and even that is an understatement.

"So what do you think?" Aaron says as I slowly do a 360 around the room.

"Oh, it's very- beautiful and stuff." 

I turn around to see a tall slim woman with blonde hair and the exact same nose as Aaron. 

"Stuff?" She says walking over to Aaron.

"Is the stuff you're referring to not to your liking?" I instantly mentally prepare myself for the dinner knowing exactly how this night will pan out.

She kisses Aaron on both cheeks and looks over at me as if I'm a  bug waiting to be squashed. "I'm Mrs. Simmons, you won't need to know my first name because it will never be relevant to you." 

I do another three-sixty and stopped staring Mrs. Simmons dead in the eye, "No it's not to my liking unfortunately, I'd recommend letting the wallpaper show more to really compliment the carpet as well as the trim." Mrs. Simmons looks at me pursed lips and begins tapping her foot.

"Sorry, I actually minored in Interior Design in college."

Mrs. Simmons turns around as if I hadn't spoken in the first place. "Darling dinner will be served soon and I had your favorite prepared for dessert." 

Aaron kisses his mother's cheek and she walks away. "My mom is really protective over her children we were honestly her life growing up."

"No I understand, I totally wasn't going to assume that she hated me the moment she looked at me."

"Laina we'll be here three hours at most and yes my mother will and does see you at a lower class than what she's used to." 

I stare at Aaron stunned, we'd never brought up the fact that I'd never had the advantages in life that he did or that my level of "class" would ever be a problem.

I nod my head and get this pit in my stomach that this dinner is going to change me forever.

We enter the dining room where Mrs. Simmons and five other people are seated. "Aaron she's beautiful." A chubby old man stands up from the head of the table and walks over to me.

"I'm Xavier Simmons but you can just call me Xavier." I reach for his hand and take hold of it with both of his and kisses it.

"I'm Alaina Jackson, thank you for inviting me to dinner."

"Not a problem my dear, Aaron has told us so much about you."

The man in front of me could be Santas little brother, with rosy cheeks, white hair and beard and laugh lines like every day have been the happiest days of his life.

He guides me over to my chair next to his and we sit. Aaron is sitting at the other end of the table next to his mom and I look around trying to identify the people around me. On my left is a man with salt and pepper hair. 

"Hi, I'm Alaina."

He puts down his champagne and shakes my hand. "I'm Aarons oldest brother Michael out of the other two." Michael gestures to his sibling and they wave.

"That's John next to Aaron with the jolly green giant beard, and that's Allen next to my little sister Daisy." 

Michael pours me a glass of 1820 Juglar Cuvee and my mouth practically waters at the sight of it. As I'm taking a sip of the champagne Mr. Simmons strikes up a conversation with me about what I do for work and what my family does.

"Oh, I 'm very distant from my family so I don't really talk about them much and I work for Aaron as his assistant." The table goes silent and everyone is looking at me.

"Aaron you fucked your assistant? You're literally living my dream." Allen says downing the rest of his champagne.

Mrs. Simmons clears her throat and finally addresses me like a human being or so I thought. "It is highly unprofessional for a woman to seduce her employer." 

Before I can say anything Mr. Simmons speaks up. "Now now Helen I was your golfing coach long before we were married." Mr. Simmons laughs loudly and then rings a tiny bell on the table.

Five male waiters come in with the Thanksgiving dinner and start serving the table. Mr. Simmons insists that I be served first and tells me about his long family history. 

After dinner, I walk around one of their homes out of sixteen and look at the photos that aren't of Mrs. Simmons. I hear someone approaching and speak of the devil it's her.

She stands next to me and looks at the same photo I am. It's the whole family together many years ago at what was most likely the family lake house. 

"Dear, I know that your hair is not naturally blonde so stop trying to be someone you're not capable of being also if it's not clear already I don't like you and probably never will. You don't belong here and again you never will. By me telling you this I'm saving the awkwardness that'll eventually show its self." She gives me a sympathetic smile and pats my shoulder.

"You know every queen is bound to lose her thrown just as history has proven and if it's not already Helen, Aaron Is mine and I'm not going anywhere unless I want to so there will be no need for communication on the subject, I'm used to women like you who sleep at night thinking they're better than everyone but deep down you're insecure and reflect that onto people around you." With that, I turn to leave the room.

"Watch yourself, Alaina, I will make life for you very hard if you don't fall in line." she continues to smile at the photo and sips her champagne.

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