The Surprise in Dubai

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As we land in Dubai, Aaron and I are still laying in bed and he's running his fingers through my hair. "Now wasn't this much more fun than staying home?" I roll over and pick up my skirt off the floor. 

"Let's do this again sometimes Mr. Simmons, this was a lot of fun." Aaron gets up and comes over to my side of the bed. He pulls on his shirt and bends down sliding my heels onto my feet.

"That sounds lovely Ms. Jackson, remember in the presence of the people we're meeting you'll address me as Aaron and just be yourself."

"When am I not myself?" 

Aaron smiles and grabs his tie off the chair ."You're always yourself but who we're meeting  will make you nervous."

I look at him sideways, "Aaron who exactly are we meeting today and don't lie."

Aaron pretends he doesn't hear me and jumps for his phone as soon as it rings. I finish dressing and grab my purse ready to walk off the jet with a full-blown attitude and slowly calm myself thinking about the chicken I'll probably order for dinner.

Aaron is still talking on the phone as I get in the car and Is still talking for another ten minutes. The driver lets him know that we'll be late if he doesn't hurry and Aaron hangs up quickly.

I look over and to my surprise, Aaron is sweating for the first time since we've met. "Are you ok?" 

Aaron wipes his face with his handkerchief and nods silently. "Alaina I just want this dinner to go well and for you to enjoy yourself."

"Aaron it's just business like usual so relax I've got this."

We sat in silence for an hour which was problematic all on its own but it made me anxious just thinking about the people we were going to meet was a huge deal for Aaron and possibly a huge deal for his company.

When we arrive at our destination I'm surprised to see no restaurant but a huge house with extremely large windows. I look up and down the street and see large mansions and luxury cars as far as I can see. Without realizing it Aaron had already gotten out of the car and opened my door for me.

"This isn't a restaurant and whoever you're meeting has to be filthy rich, I mean look at this place."

I take Aaron's hand and he pulls me in close kissing me. "Alaina don't be mad at me, ok?" Before I can answer him the front door to the mansion we stopped at flys open and a redhead woman with a bottle of champaign in her hand screams and jumps up and down as she runs over to us.

"Oh my god, Aaron she's fucking gorgeous!" She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug which makes it very clear that this woman is flat out wasted.

"I'm sorry. do we know each other?" 

She stops and like a child covers her mouth and starts to giggle. "I'm so so sorry, I'm Aarons's sister Daisy." 

"Sister?" Daisy stops her giggling and turns to look at Aaron wide-eyed.

"You didn't tell her about us?" Aaron looked like he was praying to the high heavens that this one thing would never happen.

"Honey you're here to have Thanksgiving dinner and meet the family." 

"That sounds lovely, me and Aaron will be inside in just a moment." Daisy glares at Aaron and skips back to the house."

I slowly turn to face Aaron with the fake smile still plastered to my face. "You brought me to Dubai to have Thanksgiving dinner with your family?" Aaron rubs his hands through his hair and sighs extremely loud.

"I am so sorry to have not prepared you for this but I knew you'd never come with me if you knew where we were going." 

"Aaron I haven't even gotten a chance to process all of this let alone prepare myself for meeting your family." I look at myself and I'm clearly overdressed, white collard button-down and a black pencil skirt.

"Well let's go inside and get this show on the road." Aaron tries to smile and I take his hand dragging him to what seems like the gates of hell.

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