Be Mine

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Alaina was still angry with me and refused to talk to me, I was so upset with myself after I let her walk away from me and didn't stop her. The next morning I saw her in the office and I tried to talk to her but her door was locked. I knocked on the glass but she completely ignored me and continued with her work. I gave up a short while later and just left to my office still angry about the whole ordeal, Trish had stayed the entire night but not before attempting to sleep in my bed with me. I had messed up bad and I knew it but I couldn't figure out how to fix this and then is suddenly came to me. It was February 6th today and next week was Valentines day, Alaina always talks about the old fairytales she loved and what a better way to say sorry than a ball for the entire state of New York.

I made arrangements quickly and had a planner on it within the hour, Alaina wouldn't talk to me now but soon she would I knew this was something she couldn't resist. Nate had been in her office a lot lately and every time he would bring her food and a cupcake from the bakery across the street.

I was so confused because she hadn't broken up with me per say but she also left my apartment as though we had. I just needed to talk to her and apologize for everything and promise her reassurance again.

By the evening time everyone had left the office except for me and Alaina, she was finishing up some paperwork when I saw her get up from her desk and pickup her purse. She let down her blonde ponytail running her finger through her hair and looked over at me. For just a second we held eye contact then she looked away and left her office heading towards the door.

I closed my eyes as I felt tinge of hurt from the glare she gave me, had I really messed up that bad with her? There was a knock on the door and it was Alaina holding the paperwork in her hands waiting for me to open the door.


"I'm mad at you Aaron and I don't want to be but you betrayed me last night and I can't just forget that so I need some time, ok?"

I wanted to beg her not to do this but I knew it was for the best so I agreed. "If you think that's what's best for us then I trust you and I'll wait for you no matter how long." She looked like as if she was about to cry and suddenly she did. Tears slowly started to roll down her cheeks as I looked into her eyes I could see the damage I had done last night. I raised my arms to hug her and just for a moment she flinched at the gesture but quickly regained her composure and walked away.

I was determined to fix this and prove to Alaina that I was completely devoted to her and wanted nothing more than to be in her presence. I was packing my things up when I heard another knock at the door. I thought it was Alaina coming back to talk but it was just Nate standing there looking at his shoes. I opened the door to let him in and he entered without saying anything to me.

"Can I help you Nate?" I sat my brief case down and waited for his response.

"I know it's none of my business but I can tell that Alaina is upset and I needed to tell you this, you're not good enough for her no matter how much money you have or many houses you own. Alaina is a human being that deserves to be treated better by someone like me, let her go Aaron for both of your sakes."

I was smiled at that comment at closed my office door just in case security was lurking around. I approached Nate slowly before I answered, "You're right it is none of your business that being said however you will never have her do you understand me? She will be mine and she doesn't want to be with someone who brings her coffee every morning and takes walks around parks, she needs excitement in her life and to be honest with you I plan to marry that woman in the near future and she will never have to want for anything... Intern."

I opened my office door again and Nate glared at me, just as he was leaving he stopped at the door. "We'll see about that Mr. Simmons."

I closed the door and thought a lot about what I had just said, I loved Alaina and I planned to marry her in the near future. It was settled then, all I wanted was Alaina and I was determined to have her.

The ball was happening and invitations would go out the first thing tomorrow to my staff and hand selected guest and friends. I called my tailor later for a customized suit for the ball and had a dress customized for Alaina. I knew she wouldn't accept the invitation right away but eventually temptation would get the better of her.

I personally wrote the invitation that would be delivered to her at 8am on Saturday morning and with it an apology note. Trish came to my apartment later that night again but this time I refused to let her stay the night after the stunt she pulled.

"I hope she never comes back Aaron because deep down you know you need me don't you?" Here Trish was standing in my apartment telling me that I needed her when she was trying to stay the night. "Trish you need to leave right now."

"I'll go but when you get lonely again you know my number and then we can finally stop playing silly games or should I let little miss Blue Bonnet know that we were engaged?"

I was about to snap when I suddenly realized what she said, "Who have you been talking to, how do you know about Alaina winning the pageant?"

Trish smirked and opened the front door to my apartment but not before giving me a crazy smile. I picked up my phone and started to text Alaina but decided it was better not to since she asked for space. I stayed up all night thinking about her and how I was going to save us because before her I was sure of everything and now the possibility of losing her made me question everything.

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