Just me and You

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Aaron offered to let me take the week off of work but I refused to get special treatment because I was dating my boss. I appreciated Aaron for being by my side through everything that happened, he was strong and defensive the whole time when I couldn't find the right words to say.

I went to work Monday morning and immediately kept myself busy all day to keep myself from thinking about everything that happened.

I caught Aaron looking up at me a couple times and I knew he was worried about me but honestly there was nothing anyone could do. 

Nate entered my office with some flowers and coffee and placed the on my desk, "Um what's this all about?"

Nate sat down in front of me and slid the coffee over to me, "I could tell something was wrong when you walked in this morning so I took my break to get you something to cheer you up.

Nate was sweet and maybe if I had met him at a different time I would have actually considered dating him but Aaron had brought something else out in me that I liked. How nervous he made me and just something about dating my boss just made the scandal so much more exciting.

I looked up to see Aaron looking at his hands and smiling.

"Alaina I really li-" Just then Aaron came into the office arms crossed.

"Nate, Alaina if you both want to keep your job you'll leave the public affection outside of the office." I smirked as Nate looked at Aaron stunned.

"Of course Mr. Simmons my apologies, it won't happen again." I put on my most serious face and Nate stood up leaving the room.

Aaron stepped into my office closing the door behind him and walked around my desk to me.

"Jealousy is not a good look for you Mr. Simmons." he placed his hand on my leg and slid his hands up my skirt reaching around my underwear to gently rub me.

"Throw the flowers out and let's go get some lunch."

"Yes Sir."

I grabbed the bouquet and followed him out of the office feeling giddy. As soon as we reached the lobby Aaron took the flowers from and chucked them into the trash can. 

"What are you in the mood for?" I looked towards a hot dog stand and started the trip to it. We sat at a bench near the hot dog stand and ate our hot dogs in silence.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Honestly I haven't thought about it at all, I've just been keeping myself busy and pretending it didn't happen."

I looked up at the sky and leaned back onto the bench keeping myself from crying, the last thing I needed was pity.

"Laina I have to tell you something, it probably isn't the best time to but I need to say it out loud so you know I mean it."

I turned to him scared for what he was about to say that I tried to not let my legs shake.

"Laina Jackson I'm in love with you, since I've met you my life has changed completely I have never been so in love with anyone before. You've made me learn things about myself that I din't know was there and at first it scared me. I want for every moment on from here to be just you and me."

I was so stunned that I couldn't find the words to say. It was true that since I'd met Aaron my life had been so much better. I had completely let my guard down after everything and completely giving myself to him.

"I love you too Aaron, at first I was scared of being hurt again but I trust you completely."

Aaron went to kiss me but stopped himself looking around and sighing, "I sometimes forget that I'm a billionaire and not a normal person."

"Eventually my life won't be so private anymore as much as your is not." Aaron nodded and shrugged.

"I don't care, I'm the happiest that I've ever been in my life and it's the risk I'm willing to take without hesitation."

We finished our food and headed back into the building laughing and chatting about plans for later. When we got onto the elevator Aaron kissed me until we both couldn't breath and rested his forward on mine.

"God I love you." I was happy for the first time in a long time that I felt like nothing could touch me.

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