Nights Turn to Day

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Aaron took me home and not once did he cry unlike me, who was bawling their eyes out from the throbbing pain that was coming from all over. Aarons driver was waiting for us outside as he lifted me off the ground and carries me to the car. He draped his suit jacket over me and cradled me in his arms as I cried myself to sleep. We took the tunnel under the restaurant again and Aaron called for a private doctor to visit. As soon as the doctor arrived he took one look at me and then at Aarons hands and tried to leave. I begged him to stay and explained what had happened. Dr. Moone started to clean the blood off my face and assessed me.

"Your skull is fractured, a moderate concussion, not to mention that you blood is starting to clot where you face was hit. It is in my professional opinion that you go to the emergency room right now." he looked at Aaron who nodded and grabbed my coat.

"Then that's where we're going, I called you Dr. Moore for Lainas peace of mind but thank you for reassuring my suspicions." Dr. Moore shook Aaron's hand and then pulled him to the side for a private conversation. Shortly after they parted ways and Aaron returned to my bed side.

"Is everything ok?"

Aaron kissed my head and stared at me intensely before answering, "This is our secret now Laina, what happened tonight is our secret and we can't retell it to anyone. What we did was technically self-defense but in the event that something happens I want our story together."

At that moment I remembered Trish and how she was acting before Josh got ahold of me, Aaron said nothing but clenched his fist.

"I'll take care of it, let's get you to the hospital." We went to a private hospital where the staff knew Aaron well and addressed him by name. I was put in a medically induced coma because my heart rate wouldn't go down after Aaron left.

When I woke up Aaron was sitting next to me with his hand in a cast and typing away on his phone, "What're you up to?" Aaron looked at me and smiled kissing my dryer-than-life lips.

"I am tying up some loose ends, however, the doctor wanted to tell you but I thought I should be the one to do it. Laina you are pregnant."

In that instant my night turned to day, I stared at him for a second waiting for the laugh to come but it never did, "What? What are you talking about? I can't be pregnant, I'm on birth control and not to mention infertile."

Aaron put his phone down and moved closer to me, "I saw the ultrasound and you're about six weeks along."

"Well tell them to do it again because they're wrong, I can't be- I mean I've only been here a little over a year. This can't be happening to me."

Aaron brushed my hair our of my face trying to calm me, "I can have them do it again but it's all going to remain the same. What's important right now is what you want to do, they want to operate on you but the surgery would mean terminating the pregnancy."

I was in shock hearing all of this at once that I started to tear up and then I saw Aarons face, he was sad too and looked somewhat okay with the news.

"How do you feel about this? About a baby being born in the middle of you building your empire?"

Aaron reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, "You know what this is, this is what I'm planning on happening if this is what you want because I love you. My empire is already built a life with you and a little human that's just like me would make my entire world. I'm not scared, I haven't been scared since I met you."

Before I could say anything a nurse entered the room and asked to take my vitals, Aaron left the box on my night stand but I refused to look at it. How many times had I thought about marriage before marrying Josh and then it was nothing like how I imagined it. I was scared more now than I had ever been, even after being beaten and assaulted this fear of carrying a life to full term.

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