It Gets Worse

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I was standing outside of the restaurant looking in seeing my dad, sister, and brother all laughing and having a good time like he hadn't ruined our lives and took the most important thing to me away. I knew I didn't owe him anything but I wanted to go, I needed to see their faces one more time and for the last time. I took a deep breath and entered the restaurant praying for the night to end quickly. As soon as I entered the restaurant everyone went silent, it was weird because I'd never been here before but everyone seemed to stare at me.

My brother stood up and looked me over before embracing me, I didn't know what to do so I let my arms go limp as he continued to hug me. When he finally released me he was grinning ear to ear. 

"So little sis you're living in the big city now, having fun?" He winked at me then shrugged it off taking a seat.

"Don't worry Jonathan she's acting brand new to all of us apparently." 

I had enough of Lydia's shit, "If you keep talking shit I will smack the shit out of you again." Lydia rolled her eyes and scooted her chair away from me as my dad and brother just watched us smirking.

My dad was about to speak when I put my hand up to stop him. He gritted his teeth and looked around to see if anyone was watching before he spoke, "Show me some fucking respect Laina, i'm still your dad."

I leaned back in my chair smacking on my gum, we stared at each other and the next thing that happened I was spitting my gum at him, "That piece of gum is my father just as much as you are dad."

The waitress appeared at our table moments later and took our orders. I didn't order anything but a glass of wine and the check for me. My dad continued to stare at me as he chewed his way through his steak and potatoes. 

"So now that all of my kids are here I have an announcment to make, I am getting married in three months and there's a baby on the way currently." 

Lydia screamed in excitment and clapped her hands while she cried. Jonathan clapped his hands and said congratulations. I was shocked but I just continued to sip on my wine and stare ahead like I hadn't heard anything. The three of them stopped smiling and looked at me expectatnly.

"Well laina aren't you going to say something?" I nearly spit out my wine as he spoke.

"What is there to say exactly dad? You killed your own daughter and your child/grandchild and you want me to be excited that you brought another fuck up into this world. I honestly pitty your child and your wife."

Lydia slammed her fork down onto the table, "Great Laina, way to ruin fucking dinner." 

"Oh shut up Lydia, you two are some of the greatest fucking actors in the world, my own brother and sister seem to forget that our little sister was raped, abused, and destroyed and you have the nerve to sit and smile as though it never happened. We don't even acknowledge Angela or what happened to her and me." Jonathan cleared his throat at the awkward silence.

"Laina I know you're still upset but like the judge said there is no substantial proof that dad did those terrible things that you said he did, and to be honest Angela was kind of sleeping around at the time."

I slowly looked up at him my anger rising, from the look on his face he knew he messed up by saying anything "Your fourteen yearold sister told you what happened to her when she was 8 and then 12 and you make her out to be a whore?"

"Enough!" Dad stood and stared me right in the eye.

"Yound lady you will not bring Angela up and what you put me through ever again." I stood up too grabbing my purse.

"Fuck you Howard you're a shitty excuse for a father, yea I said that." I left the resturaunt with my father steaming.

I took a cab home and collapsed on my couch after closing and double locking my door. So much had happened that my head was starting to hurt. I had missed a phone call with Aaron but I didn't bother texting him back. I was too overwhelmed and tired to repeat tonights events. I intended to just lay on my bed for a quick minute before going to bed but I fell into a deep sleep and forgot to give Aaron a text back.

I woke up the next morning to smell of burning food and the smoke detector going off. I shot up and ran for the door just as the fire alarm went off. Aaron was standing in my living with a pan fanning the ceiling. "Good morning." 

I rubbed my hand over my face and through my hair as my heart beat started to slow down. "What're you doing here? I thought you were going to be gone for a week."

Aaron put the pan down on the counter and walked over to me kissing me deeply and holding me. "You didn't answer my call last night and I know your ex is still in town so I got worried and decided to come home early."

My head went to my underwear drawer that was currently hiding my old engagement ring. "Wait did you say home?"

"Yes Laina home is wherever you are." I smiled to myself and we sat in silence holding each other.

It didn't last long because the smoke detector went off again, we jumped and I ran to the stove turning off the frying pan and opening my windows. 

"How about we just go to breakfast instead." I nodded in agreement and went to brush my teeth and get ready.

I was right behind Aaron as we exited my apartment building when I heard him say "shit" out loud. I looked around him and immediatly saw the flashing lights and shouts and yels from the reporters outside.

"They're here for me." Aaron ran his hand through his hair and stepped outside but as soon as the door opened I heard the reporters shouting my name.

Aaron turned to look at me, smiled, and offered his hand to me. I took a deep breath and put my hand in his as i exited the comfort of my building.

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