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In the last 7 months so much had transpired and here I was walking out of my building but this time I was the center of attention. A small town girl who had ran away from her problems in hope of a different out come was now on the cover of People's magazine.

"A Love Affair or Truly just Love?" I read the head line of the magazine out loud as Aaron rubbed my feet and stared blankly into the distance. It was raining outside and you could still hear the reporters below shouting for one word about the billionaire who was now dating someone below his bracket. Aaron snapped out of the fog he was in and stood up, "This is going to get bad really fast Alaina, are you ready for that?" I was a little taken aback by his sudden abruptness before I spoke.

"I think I'm more than capable of handling this, are you having second thoughts about us?" I didn't know why I said it but It was bound to come up eventually.

"Honey, I would never dream of being without you believe me." Aaron kissed the top of my head and left the room. I put the magazine down and sat in thought for a long time wondering what he was thinking about a few moments ago. The paparazzi never left and I was ok with the constant chatter, I had actually gotten use to it until someone knocked on the door. The person at the door was the very last person I wanted to see.

Trish stood in the door way with tears in her eyes and at that same moment Aaron stepped around the corner. Trish suddenly rushed forward and threw herself into his arms, Aaron caught Trish stumbling a little and looked up into my eyes. In that moment I felt something had just changed between then but I didn't know why. I closed the door and approached the two of them as Trish continued to sob onto Aarons shoulder.

"Trish what are you doing here?" Aaron grabbed her by the shoulders and stood her up straight. I watched the way he gently lifted her to her feet and looked her in the eyes. A part of me was screaming at myself not to do this, don't make a fool of yourself and assume that those hands are for comfort and not caution. Aaron looked at me and must have saw something there because he quickly put his hands down and stepped away from Trish but it was too late the damage had been done the moment he caught her.

I kind of sunk into the shadows as she gasped and spluttered trying to say something or say anything at all. Trish finally regained her composure, "I didn't know where else to go so I came here, my boyfriend he hit me and I couldn't think of anyone else for help but you." I couldn't believe the bullshit that was spewing from her mouth but for some reason Aaron seemed to be genuinely concerned for her. "Aaron you can't be ser-" Trish wailed again and louder this time drowning out my words.

Aaron helped her to the couch throwing my magazine on the floor and sitting her down, he came back to me and pulled me into the hall way. "There's bruises all over her Alaina, she's not looking too good right now." I stepped back and crossed my arms.

"I don't fucking care what she's got, what she needs to get is out of here. That woman threatened me and was likely intending to shoot with the gun I found which shall I remind you that it was you who said to not report her to the police."

Aaron sighed and threw his hands up walking back into the apartment. I thought this was the end of Trish and he was about to chuck her out but next thing I know he's giving her a pillow and throwing a blanket over her. Aaron turned out the living room light and opened the bedroom door turning around to face me. He held his hand out to me as if it was a peace offering and sort of begged me with his eyes to take his hand and go to bed with him. I was tempted to just ignore the sniffling and crying Trish and go to bed with him but I thought to myself that I hadn't moved here to lower my standards time and time again. I opened the front door and stood in it, I wanted Aaron to tell Trish to leave and that this was inappropriate and that we were both uncomfortable but as I saw a look of defiance cross Aarons face and he lowered his hand I snatched my keys off the little table next to the front door and stormed from the apartment shoeless and pissed at Aaron for betraying me.

Aaron blew my phone up begging me to return to the apartment and that I was being unreasonable by leaving in the middle of night by myself. The paparazzi was long gone by then and I was too mad to go back inside while Trish was still there in my boyfriends apartment. I screamed the whole drive back to my apartment until I completely lost my voice. I cried all night as I thought of him holding her and comforting her when it was me he was in love with.

"I'm a fool." I said out loud staring out of my bedroom window at the night sky as I drifted off to sleep.

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