She's... a Mess

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I walked in to work the next day feeling better than I had in a very long time, and there was my perfect boyfriend leaning over his papers on getting started with the day's work. I walk to the bathroom to check my hair before I head to my desk when I hear a retching noise and sobbing.

"Hello?" I open the door slowly and the lights flicker on revealing an open stall with a woman hunched over the toilet seat gagging.

"Miss, are you alright?" Just as I was about to fully open the door I heard footsteps behind me and I quickly turned around to face three women.

"Use the bathroom downstairs, Someone had a terrible accident in here." They try to see around me then finally give up and walk away.

I step over puddles of what smells like vomit and crouch next to the woman in front of me, her hair is brown and her face is flushed but then the smell hits me. Someone has been drinking vodka like it's water this morning.

"Honey why don't we call you a cab and get you home,  I'll tell Mr. Simmons that you have an emergency and handle it from there." She turns to look at me and laughs.

"He's found someone else, he couldn't even call or text to let me know that it's officially over between us." She started to sob again and then picked up the bottle that had been lying next to her and downed the rest of the clear liquid. I gently pulled the bottle out of her hands and tossed it in the trash.

"I'm going to help you up and get you washed off, after that, I'll call a cab so you can go home."

I help her as she stumbles to her feet and walks over to the sink to splash water on her face.

"Her name is Alaina, and from what I've heard she's beautiful and he's in love with her and everything about her. You know I tried calling him last night and he apparently changed his number." 

I look at her name tag and see the word Trish in shiny gold letters.

"Well, I have to get to work. I'll call the cab from my desk. All you have to do is wait downstairs in the lobby."

She nodded her head and continued to splash water on her face as I quickly exit the bathroom and half walk half run to my office. I close and lock my door and face the glass wall looking over the city of New York as I call for a cab. All of a sudden the door knob rattles and I turn around to see Trish looking at me with tears in her eyes.

I hurry to the door and open it as she stumbles in and collapses into a chair.

"I didn't want him to see me like this and I saw you come in here so I thought I could sit and wait with you." I smile at her nervously and glance up to see Aaron deep in a phone conversation and looking at his computer screen. I sit there waiting for the cab to call me when she suddenly stands up and stumbles to my desk.

"It's his watch, the one his dad got him when he first started this company, but what's it doing in here." I wanted to die right there on the spot as she looks around the office and sees the objects scattered that I hadn't picked up yet. 

She looks at me and then seems to realize that all the walls are glass and see-through and then she locks eyes with Aaron whose mouth is open mid-sentence and looks from Trish to me.

Trish screams in rage when she sees him and flings the watch at the wall and it shatters in pieces on the floor. Trish advances on when Aaron panicking quickly hangs up his phone and comes into my office looking shocked and horrified.

"Trish what are you doing here?!" he reaches out his hand to me and pulls me out of the office away from Trish.

"It's you." she looks at me, tears appearing in her eyes again as she picks up a vase from my desk and throws it at Aaron who dodges it relatively quickly.

The next hour consisted of me canceling the cab and police dragging Trish away in cuffs.

"The press is going to have a field day with this one." Aaron sighs and starts making calls as I sit down still stunned at what just happened. Aaron finally hangs up the phone and crutches down in front of me.

"That was Trish Sakimora and as you can see she's a mess these days. She cheated on me a year ago and I sent her to Arizona so I could think about our relationship and then I decided that I couldn't stay with her." Aaron stares at me waiting for me to say something or anything rather.

"Um, why was she here exactly?" Aaron brushes his fingers through his hair.

"I honestly don't know how she even got into the building, but a better question is why was she in your office?"

I launch into the story of finding her drunk in the bathroom and he nods and sighs shaking his head.

"I'll tell you all about it later, but at this time I have to go address the media." I nod and get up from the chair and make my way back to my own office as he puts on his suit jacket and walks down the hall.

I sat at my desk for a while and started thinking about what to do next with my day since I can't seem to focus on anything at the moment. I look down at the sidewalk and see a crowd gathered out front snapping pictures of the building. And for a brief moment I could already hear the headline of how Aaron was caught up in a love triangle and how this mystery mistress.

As I start to sweep up the glass I notice a purse was left there and I pick it up, and me being the nosey person I am, look inside and find a gun holster, a few sticks of gum, and very angry love letters.


Hey, readers sorry it's been a while but being a full-time student doesn't give me much time to fully give my attention to Aaron and Alaina so as much as I'd like to post chapters every day I still have to give time to focus on me and my mental health first.



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