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It seems silly now to see myself dressed up like some teenage girl on her way to junior prom but I didn't see it that way, I saw myself standing in the mirror elegantly clasping my hands together like I was playing the part of princess. That didn't seem right, I wasn't playing for the princess I was playing the part of a queen who had conquered civilizations to get here. I booked a hotel close to city hall where the event was being held and made my way out of my hotel receiving compliments from hotel guests and staff. My dress was shimmering with silver specs and I was adorned in fake diamonds but who could really tell. My Uber was waiting for and apologized that I would have to ride in a shitty Lexus on my big night.

Its ok, this is perfect. The ball was 10 minutes away but I was nervous, I hadn't seen nor spoken to Aaron since the last talk we had in the office and as much as I wanted to go home with him I clearly hadn't established enough boundaries with Aaron and he had to understand how sensitive my life is. Plenty of women would kill to be in my spot like Trish but he chose me, Aaron pursued me so I was better than the rest. I was different so I expected to be treated with care and handling. I did feel bad since Aaron had been so loving and caring and perfect up until this one point but it was still strong enough to make me walk out the door.

We arrived at City Hall and there were people standing all over the front lawns wearing their best gowns with some male model attached to them at the hip. Beautiful women everywhere and yet I somehow noticed that I was standing out and everyone would turn to look at me in aw. I collected myself and walked towards the large doors. Soon after entering through the front doors Ryan comes rushing up to me and looks at me amazed, "Oh my god, you look amazing."

I smile, "Thank you Ryan."

"No Alaina truly you're radiating with beauty but just the heads up Trish is here and she has something planned." I grit my teeth and just smile at him.

"Have you seen Aaron?" Ryan glances around and then pulls me into a quiet corner.

"I think I saw him upstairs with a woman, maybe you should go check." Ryan pulled me behind him even though I wanted to tell him I didn't want to see but I went anyway. He takes me upstairs and stops in front of the mayor's office leaving me with a wave of the hand. I prepared myself to see him embracing this woman but when I opened the doors Aaron was standing there grinning from ear to ear with his hands behind his back.

"What's going on?" I said walking towards him cautiously.

Aaron met me halfway and looks me over taking it all in, "Can I hug you?" Hed never asked before but I was grateful that he did.

"Of course you can." Aaron embraces me tightly and takes a deep breath.

"I've missed you every single day since I made you walk away from me." He sounded so sincere and sorry that I hugged him back.

"You drive me insane sometimes, do you know that?" Aaron laughed and took my face in his hands.

"I only want to drive you insane in the best ways." He kissed me and all the anger and worry I had been feeling melted away.

We laughed in between kisses and then the bell started to ring. He offered his arm to me and I took it all the while looking into his eyes. We made our way out of the room and descended the grand staircase towards the waiting crowd that looked on in awe as if they were actually looking at royalty. I caught a glimpse of Trish in the far back of the room glaring at me. There was a man standing with her with his back to us but I figured shed brought a random man when Aaron rejected her. She was dressed in red and was practically steaming. Aaron was handed a mic and as I took a step back he reassured that it was ok and held my hand as he started his speech thanking the city of New York for letting him host his ball here in the heart of the city.

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