Utter Betrayl

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Alaina sighed as her phone rang again.

"What do you want Lydia?" Lydia was crying and breathing heavily when she finally answered Alaina. 

"I have something I need to tell you and you're gonna be so mad at me Alaina but I need to tell you." The phone was on speaker and Aaron was standing in front of me holding some papers for me to sign. 

He mouthed "should I leave?" but I shook my head and took the papers. 

"I'm really busy right now Lydia." I started to read over the papers when she started to cry again. "I've got to go now" before I hit the end button she shouted at me to please listen. I sat the papers down and looked at the phone a little scared. "Sissy, what is it?"

"Alaina I had sex with Josh." I started to laugh and looked up at Aaron shaking my. 

"What, no no no you didn't you wouldn't have done that not after everything he put me through." 

"Lydia you better be fucking joking right now," I said the words slowly not wanting to believe anything she just said. 

"Alaina, after you left I let him move in,  he said that he didn't have anywhere else to go."

I stared at my hands and took a deep breath. " Are you out of your fucking mind Lydia?" 

Lydia began to cry even more, "That's not the worst part, Alaina I'm pregnant and it's his." Aaron stood behind me arms crossed.

" I stood up staring at my phone in our disbelief."  

Lydia spoke again voice and I knew this was the worst part of her confession. "Lydia tell me that you did not do the one thing I made you promise me."

Lydia lost her mind over the phone and started to scream, "He got me drunk one night, and after I gave him your number I gave him your address, I didn't know what to do after it all just happened so fast." I stood up fast slamming my fist on my desk I felt my body start to tremble.

"You tell him that if comes here I will kill him, and Lydia lose my fucking number you're dead to me. Aaron put his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"Alaina I'm so sorry I never meant for any of this you know when Daniel divorced me I just wasn't the same after he left." I couldn't take in all Lydia just confessed to me reached for my garbage can and threw up. 

"Lydia this Alaina boss she has to hand up now and I think it's best if you do as she asks." 

He hung up the phone and gently pushed me back towards my seat. "Breath." he crouched down in front of me and lifted my chin to meet his eyes.

"Should I be concerned about this Josh person?" I didn't want to get into my history with my ex especially not with Aaron. "If he comes here yes but right now it's nothing to worry about at all." 

I tried to feel reassured by Aarons's kinds words but I found myself looking over my shoulder everywhere I went. I went shopping three days later for the business trip to Hong Kong and as soon as I entered the store threw selected all black suit sets and some five pairs of Armani heels. 

On my way out with my goodies I passed a store window that was displaying a very sleek red dress, I stared at it for a moment and then walked inside and asked the saleswoman for the dress. She looked me up and down then smiled. I left out ten minutes later forgetting this Satisfied at the look on that woman's face when I pulled out my black card. 

Aaron had given me the companies card to make the necessary purchases.

The next day we had arrived in Hong Kong around ten pm and I'm ecstatic to see the new city I was about to step into. Aaron guides me down the plane stairs one hand on my back and the other typing away on his phone. 

"We'll be meeting with some business partners later tonight." I nod thinking about the diner. 

"Do I have to worry about someone you fucked here?" 

He finally looks up from his phone surprised and then smirks at me. "No ma'am I do not leave a string of broken hearts from country to country. 

I scoff at his words clearly showing how much I believed him. I move ahead so his hand isn't touching my waist anymore and he sighs. 

"I really enjoy how difficult you can be, just reminds me to make you beg for more later." 

I stop as he walks past me smiling the whole way. 

I never noticed Aarons's features until now his golden-brown hair clean cut and his blue eyes if anything that was every girl's weakness. 

He had a strong jawline and strong hands I could remember those always. After we caught a cab to a hotel in the center of Hong Kong Aaron was taking calls every five minutes that it amazed me how he could keep it all together. 

My phone buzzed and I looked at another text from Lydia apologizing over and over about it. 

I turned my phone off and looked out the window watching the city of Hong move with a different kind of energy and I wished I could stay forever and take part in this kind of energy.

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