It's Just Sprained

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Aaron kept glancing at me between calls and I pretended not to notice by keeping busy with my hair. Aaron finally hung up his phone and turned to me. "We'll be having dinner later so wear something casual, and bring your laptop to take notes for the meeting." I wrote down all of his requests then teasingly looked up at him.

"Would you like anything else Mr. Simmons?" he smirked and grabbed the back of my ponytail gently pulling my hair.  I immediately got hot and looked away so he wouldn't see my face.

Aaron leaned down towards my ear and whispered, "Oh the things I'm going to do to you Miss Jackson." He placed his hand on my knee and I could feel him smiling as my body reacted to his touch.

He let go of my hair and pulled my face closer to his, a few seconds later I crashed my left wrist into the seat and heard a snap. The woman driving started to shout in Chinese at the car in front of her. I stifled a cry as I moved my hand away from the seat and looked at my hand. Just barely but I could definitely see that a bone in my was poking out under my skin.

Aaron laughed not seeing my hand until he looked over at me and saw my face.

"What's wrong?" I slowly put my hand on my thigh and shook my head.

"Nothing just surprised." he looked at me not reassured and then got out to open my door.

 I should have told Aaron right away but I didn't want my first time out of the country to be faltered all because of a sprang or maybe a broken hand well definitely broken.

My eyes started to water as the pain in my hand shot up my arm. I hurried to my hotel room and sat down to examine my hand closer. It looked swollen and like it was bleeding underneath I put it into some ice and the pain subsided till I took it out. Since I couldn't put my hair into a bun I let it spill onto my shoulders and down my back and slipped into my red dress.

As I put my heels on there was a knock at the door and I opened it to find Aaron in one of his best suits. He looked at me in awe as he walked into my room.

"Wow, you look really good." I thanked him and turned around leaving the door open so I could put on my jewelry. Aaron looked me over again and noticed I was holding my hand at an odd angle.

To try and throw him off I picked up my necklace with my left hand put it on. Aaron was watching me closely and I winced as the pain shot up my arm. 

Aaron walked over to me and faced me "What'd you do to your hand?"

I looked at him innocently. "Broke a nail I think nothing to worry about." As I reached for my purse he grabbed my hand to pull me back and I screamed.

I quickly put my hand over my mouth as he stared at me wide-eyed. He grabbed my arm and brought it to his face so he could better look at it. When he saw my hand he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's just a sprained, I'll put some ice on it later." 

 Aaron shook his head and looked at me. "Sweety that's definitely broken and you need to get to a hospital." I shook my head.

"No, I'm going to do my job first, and then after I'll go to the hospital."

Aaron looked at my hand and said no again and picked up his phone.

"Please, I want to do this and a sprained wrist isn't going to stop me."

"Broken," he said correcting me.

He stared at his phone for a minute then nodded, putting his phone away.

"If you're in too much pain to continue I want you to stop and go immediately, Yes?"

"Yes," I said relieved.

He grabbed my coat and I grabbed my laptop as we left out of my room to make our way to the restaurant.

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