Queen of The Night

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I thought Aaron would call me or show up at my apartment like he always does but he never did and I began to question us. I lived a good chunk of my adult life living in fear and not being able to live up to my full potential but I was sure Aaron was different. Sure the sex was fun and the trips out of the country were extravagant but I can't say I was fully prepared for the drama that came with his lifestyle. I was laying on my couch when there a knock at the door I was hesitant upon approaching the door when I heard a woman say, "Delivery for Alaina Jackson!"

I opened the door to reveal a middle aged woman holding a single flower in a large cylinder and a small envelope. "Good Morning Miss Jackson, I have a very special delivery for you from Mr. Simmons." She handed me the flower first and then the envelope, "The jar is permanently ceiled in order to preserve the flower." She said.

Upon closer inspection I realized what flower I was holding, was the Kadupul Flower or generally known as The Queen of the Night. I was holding the rarest flower in the world due to it only blooming at night time and dying by day which made it impossible to live anywhere else on it's own.

'Oh my God." My hand started to shake as I put the flower down and thanked the woman for the delivery. I opened the letter and began to silently read, "Dear Alaina, I could apologize in person but I know you need time. I let you down that night and I regret it every single day that I wake up and don't have the luxury of having you beside me. We've only known each other for a year now and only 3 months in things got crazy. I don't regret you and I never meant to make you feel like you weren't priority in that moment. I made a big mistake and I realize that now, I'm only a phone call away when you need me. Let this flower stand as symbol that recognizes how rare you are as a person and that even in your darkest moments you still find a way to shine."

I read the card again and again until I noticed there was red and gold cursive writing on the front of the card, "A Winter ball to welcome in new beginnings and build new relationships with the people of New York for years to come hosted by Aaron Simmons." At the bottom in tiny gold letters it said please come. I was so emotionally moved by Aarons words and that he had taken his time to write this letter to me. Of course I was going to go but I needed to be sure that Aaron wasn't just telling me what I needed to hear so I decided not to speak to him until the ball.

That following Monday Aaron and I continued on with our work not looking up for a second incase one of us caught the other watching. Nate came to my office again with the same cupcake he had assumed I loved and coffee. I was getting tired of the morning cupcakes but didn't have it in me to tell him that.

I smiled as he walked in holding the cupcake and sat it down on my desk, "Busy on the floor today?" I asked sticking my nose back into my computer screen.

"Not really, I am just an intern afterall so there's not much to be done by me really." I smirked and continued to fill out an incident report on a shipment of that still hadn't made its way to the receiving facility yet. Nate was yapping away like usual and then I saw Aaron stand up from his desk grab his brief case and leave his office her turned around at the door and looked at me for just a second and gave me a smile before leaving. I watched him leave and felt my heart sink as I missed him kissing me and telling me good bye for the night.

Nate was still yapping about god knows what when he stopped and followed my gaze. Nate looked at me a little irritated then stood and left without saying goodbye. I shook away the urge to call him back and ask what was wrong seeing that it would only confuse him about our purely platonic relationship.

I rubbed my forehead and tried to keep focus on the large stack of paperwork on my desk when I got an email from my local Taylor. Last night I had my dress customed made for the ball which sounded so weird saying out loud but I was really excited for it. My dress was gold with feathers decorating my shoulders. I wanted to go all out and spent a good chunk of my saving making sure the dress was perfect for Saturday night.

I was leaving early today to get items for my head piece I was creating, I knew the ball wasn't just for me but it wasn't going to stop me from being the center of attention. I had bought expensive jewelry for the event as soon as I had made my mind up about going.

Ryan came to my door looking flustered holding a bouquet of flowers and an invitation to Saturdays ball. "Oh my God, Steven from HR asked me to the ball, I feel like a highschooler all over again." I congratulated him and again felt a tinge of hurt in my heart.

The day before the ball I was getting my hair dyed when my hair dresser started to talk about Aarons secret love affair and how his ex had made a blog confirming that the rumors were true. Me being the nosey person I am picked up my phone searching for the article. When I finally found it I noticed an update was posted an hour ago, "That whore is constantly causing trouble in my relationship, I had to kick her out of our apartment after I caught her trying to throw herself onto him. I can't reveal her name but that blonde skank is really looking for trouble. I'll be at the ball tomorrow night so keep an eye out for my photos through out the event. Thank you for the support during this difficult time and I love you all so deeply" I was determined now to go more than ever just to see the look on her pathetic face.

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