Sabo (40K!)

1K 30 9

A/N: Ok, we've reached 40k! As a celebration, what would you guys like? Long and smutty one shot, one of the fanfictions to become a real book (I was considering the Ghost Ace one), gimme all the suggetions!


That's what you felt. 

As the cold liquid embraced you, you allowed yourself to sink deeper.

It was quite peaceful actually, almost like returning to the womb. 

"This is nice." You thought, as the last bubbles escaped your nose.

As your body began to panic due to the lack of oxygen, you finally swam back up, breathing deeply.

You quickly pushed yourself back on the surfboard, sitting quietly.

"Ah~ If only I could spend longer time under there." You hummed out loud, the sound of the ocean calming you.

A cold chill went down your spine, causing your shoulders to spasm and eyes widen.

"Okay! Time to leave!" You told yourself, quickly returning to shore.

Laying on the board and using your arms as paddles, the warm sand and bustling island became closer and closer, along with the usual noises.

As you arrived, you quickly fixed your swimsuit and tied your hair. 

You looked at the sky, soon hissing in pain as your eyes burnt. Another sunny day approached. Although still early in the day, the sun paid no mind, quick to toast innocent unsuspecting bi-standers with it's gleaming rays. 

You flipped off the sky and quickly carried the surfboard over your head to protect yourself from, as you would say, "The little gleamy shit in the sky".

The uneven sandy terrain wasn't always pleaseant to cross before reaching the sand, with the occasional sharp sheel or litter hurting your feet, cutting them once or twice. Usually, flip-flops would solve this, but alas, your pair was stolen last week.

"I need new flip flops! This stupid shit is hurting!" You exclaimed, running as fast as you could to land.

You ran in to the palmtree filled city, many of the citizens as dressed as you, or even less. 

It was easy to tell visitors and tourists from actual locals, they always had a gleam of wonder in their eye, over dressed or covered in sun screen. The locals on the other hand, were usually tan and neutral.

A good example was the blonde in a tophat and formal wear, who the hell dresses like that for a beach island?

"Excuse me, miss?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear they say.

"Hm?" You turned to lock eyes with him, if you were a little taller you would have to look down.

"Do you know the way to the Sunny Kitty Café? I have seem to have gotten lost and-"

"I work there! No need to explain ya tourist! Come along!" You exclaimed, cachting him by surprise with you attitude.

You pulled him by his forearm with your hand, with a quick pace and going through the crouded street.

"Get out of the way!" You exclaimed loudly, using the board to swat some of them away and creat space.

"Excuse me sir! Excuse me miss! Sorry mam!" He exclaimed as you dragged him along like an oversized dog would drag their owner on a walk.

As the blonde was distracted being polite, he failed to notice your halt and bumped into your back.

"Not used to the pace, eh? I thought you'd be with your height." You laughed.

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