Traffygar Law

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I already know it's Trafalgar. Chill.

Law: How did we ever get married....

Me: Heh... You didn't really have a choice.

Normal Shit

You, yourself, a chemist. And a swordsman with the alchemy-alchemy devil fruit. Don't you just sound like an over achiever...

Because you are.

You work at one of the biggest bars near the docks (you have bills to pay life isn't free of charge) were all the different times of perverts and other perverts come to drink and be pervs.

You were halfway through your shift and nearly done with these shit heads. Wen suddenly it all went silent. You turned and guess who it was...

The marines. Why must it be those mother-

"Table of ten." The marine officer said sternly.

You were about to escort them to the table of 10 bitches, when your pushed to the floor by some drunk hard.

"*hick* Hey! Why don't you *burp* show us a good time! *hick* strip!" The drunk hard said, about to pull up your skirt, until he noticed you were wearing pants.

He started to try to pull on those instead, but you calmly  lifted yourself from the floor, your cheek got bruised but meh. You'll hit him once your shift is done.

You went back to working as someone else took the marines order. Oh look, it was someone's birthday... You guessed.

After your shift was done, you beat the crap out of that drunk hard.

"Admirable, miss..?" Someone asked.

"(Y/N)." You said not caring to turn around.

"Yes, quite admirable miss (Y/N)-ya. Nice name." The person said.

"Blah, blah, blah, I have work to do Fuckboy. See ya later or never. Alligator." You said waving and walking away.

You started walking home and cleaning. Why? Well, your daughters needed a better place to live in.

"Oh! Kausham! Baskerville!" You sang patting your legs. Your daughters meows back at you.

Baskerville was a black cat with emerald eyes, Kausham was orange and white with amber eyes. Yes, you were a simple cat lady.

The both walked away, you filled their bowls with cat food and suddenly they lovingly came. 

You started studying because keeping a job, surviving, taking care of 2 daughters, being a swordsman, having a house, a devil fruit that yet to be understood, and a chemist needs studying. You weren't born in a wealthy family, your parents didn't leave you a ton of money after their death. Come on, you aren't Batman.

Thought you did sound like him during puberty....

While studying, a knock on your door was heard. By your cats. You were concentrating. The stranger let theirselves in, sitting on your sofa spot.

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