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A/N: Something I've written a while ago, maybe i'll make a part 2 but i seem to be doing that a lot. What can I say? I overthink!

Anyways, i'm still considering making that one ghost ace story a book, but it might take a while because i don't have everything set out yet.


"Get away from here, witch!"

"Be careful before I burn you!"

"The power of Sogeking compels you!"

You'll get used to it. You tried to convince yourself.

One day they'll understand

This will get better someday

You still believed that at least someone on this damn island was different. At least one person wasn't this closed minded.

There was still hope.

Why still believe? You ask, well, it wasn't always this way.

"Hey (Y/N)! Welcome back! How have you been?"

"Why don't stay for supper?"

"How's it going?"

This island was home to you, a place where a witch could be a witch without being judged, at least, that's how it used to be.

You walked back to your house, carrying your broom as your familiar - a little lizard - relaxed on your shoulder as you reminisced about the old days.

George, Lily, Petunia, where did they all go?

When did time go by so quickly?

"Time is so cruel to me" you thought.

You arrived home, a house in the south part of the city, what did you expect? A little house in the woods?

Either way it was a homey dump.

You opened the door to your messy home, littered with dirty laundry and a variety of books, although you weren't much of a reader.

You went to the kitchen and checked your fridge. Nothing. As always.

Walking through your mess, you laid down on the sofa and looked at your star covered ceiling.

When was the last time I  actually stopped to admire the stars?

You closed your eyes, hoping that when you opened them your house would be clean.

You opened them again, looking around.


I was really hoping that would work.

"Guess we're cleaning!" You said out loud to no one in specific.

You started by grabbing all the laundry and putting under the rug.

"That should do it!" You said, proud of yourself.

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