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Sabo X Dying! Reader

Author: I know what you're thinking.
"WHY THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU DO THIS TO MY FELLS?!" You'll thank my gusts later.

Law: I hate her guts right nuow.

Author: Eat what's out in front of you Law.

You were currently dying, big whole in the chest. But you were dying for a good reason.


He didn't know you had a crush on him, and right now, he was the one watching you die.

To you, he was like a lemon for a lemonade, a pillow case to your pillow, (bare with me I suck) a thunderstorm on a sunny day, a push to that bitch you hate.

He was pretty much the reason you were alive right now.

Being alone for pretty much your hole life, you had to live on the streets, it made you feel useless and a disappointment, you kind of wanted to die, but you didn't try, so you spent your days begging, until you created a gang and mugged people.

"Sabo, you better not fucking friend zone me at my death, so all I have to say before I'm guided to hell for all eternity, is that I love you, you made my life worth living. I'm sorry if I ever disappointed you or anything like that, forgive for it." You said as the pain continued.

Sabo was tearing up, watching the one he loved die in front of him.

"(Y-(Y/N), I love you, I've been in love with you for a long time now." He said, putting a stray hair behind your ear, giving you a kiss.

"Shit. We should've talked about this before I die." You laughed, with a smile on your face.

"Don't talk like that, your not gonna die." He said, his eyes showed sadness, the same sadness when Ace died, also when they ate his pizza.

"Don't fight with a dying person, I can still kick your ass." You told him. As slowly you drifted away from consciousness, you noticed this would be your last thought, so you made it worth it.

"Chicken dicks and Sabos hot bod." You thought, and then died.

Sabo sat there with your dead body in his arms, the tears flood his eyes as he hugged your body.

"P-please don't die... I can't lose another person who's important to me."


You were cold and you weren't even breathing, Sabos hands remained covered in your blood. Surely he would be traumatized.

After the others arrived, they also cried, Sabo took your dead body to were they would clean it up for a funeral as others built the tombstone.

Sabo went to his bedroom, sitting on his bed, he began to cry.

Flash Back begins ~

"Hey, (Y/N), I was thinking of  getting a tattoo." Sabo said.

"Ha! Over my dead body your getting one!" You teased.

"It might be sooner than you think~" He hummed.

"Probably like two weeks from now. Don't get the fucking tattoo otherwise I'm gonna regenerate to stop you." You said in a serious tone.

Flashback end~

That was exactly two weeks ago, Sabo regretted saying those words. Even if they were tease, he didn't want you gone.

Going through all the memories of you, he noticed how much he would miss you, and decided to give a better goodbye than the one he gave.

Once facing your actual dead body, he wondered how you knew when was your death, but even if he wanted to, he wouldn't question it.

"(Y/N), I love you, I'm sorry about  not telling you earlier in life, it went by so fast, I'm sorry if I ever hurt you, and well, as you said two weeks ago, you were right, well this is goodbye." He said, walking to the door.

"Oh. And I'm getting that tattoo." He said, about to grab the door nob and leave, when he was suddenly pushed to the wall.

"Listen buddy, I said over my dead body. So over my dead body it will be. And as you can see, I'm not dead." You said, scaring Sabo nearly to death.

"W-What? H-How?" He asked, then hugged you.

"Power of regeneration. Cool devil fruit to be honest." You said, as Sabo started to cry again.

"I'm never letting go of you again." He said, still holding on to you.

"Love you too." You said as he had his face in the crook of your neck.

"Sabo being dead does a number on your body. Pretty soon my legs will give in and I'll fall." You breathed as your jello legs gave in and you leaned  on Sabo so you don't smack your face on the ground.

"In that case I guess I'm carrying you." He smiled, still pink with tears stained on his face.

As he picked you up bridal style, you gave him a kiss, making him blush like a cute little Sabo tomato. On fire.

"Come on, I think the others would like to see you alive too." He hummed, carrying you, to see the others.

The place had a depressing aura, the first one seen was dragon. Who didn't say a word, but hugged you. Meanwhile Sabo was still holding your waist from behind.

After Dragon stopped hugging you, he welcomed you back, the next was Ivankov and Koala, they both cried and hugged you, Sabo was still stuck on you and didn't let go.

"But what about the big hole in your chest?" Koala asked.

You lifted up your shirt, poked were your hole used to be and even placed her hand on it.

"See? Not dead." You stated with a sleeping smile.

"That's how I like you best." Said Sabo, still holding you close to him.

"I think we all like her best alive." Koala said.

After so many I'm alive and not dead, your shirt  was drenched in tears, which made it visible that you didn't have a bra on.

"Sabo I have to change in something that isn't soaked. Can you give me some privacy?" You asked as Sabo carried you to your room.

"No." He breathed. "You might die again." He stated, still carrying you bridal style.

"Sabo that's ridiculous." You said crossing your arms.

Sabo pouted and laid you on your bed, but didn't leave.

"Cover your eyes then." You breathed, lifting up and putting a (any color) bra on and a (a/c) shirt and some (a/c) shorts.

"Done." You said, until you noticed Sabo didn't cover his eyes.

"Sabo!" You blushed.

"Nice body." He teased, making you blush.

"Shut up." You said, punching his shoulder.

He laughed and went back to hugging you, laying down on your bed and pulling you with him.

"Mine." He stated.

"Tired." You muttered.

And so everyone celebrated the fact that you were not dead, and also the fact that Sabo finally confessed.


Author: So tired. Sore throat... And also after forever I finally updated.

Law: Shut up and sleep.

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